Developer’s Alarm: 200+ Hotkeys To Boost Your Productivity

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Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing, he’s most probably running front-end & UX … More about Vitaly ↬

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There is nothing more valuable than the time we need to get things done. Over a long period of time time-saving techniques and solutions can turn out to be real life-savers. The more you use them, the more essential they become.

Besides, using them in your favourite software applications, you can drastically increase your productivity, enhance your time-managment and improve both your professional skills and the quality of your work.

One of such time-saving features are Hotkeys (or keyboard shortcuts), which offer a powerful tool to get the result instantly - with a single keys combination. We’ve collected the most useful of them - for the most popular applications out there. Some shortcuts are trivial and well-known, but hopefully not all of them.

This post covers the most useful keyboard shortcuts for essential software applications users and web-developers can/should use on a daily basis - OS, Browsers, Music Players, Communication Tools, File Management and Coding. You will also find references to related resources - there you’ll find more specific shortcuts for your needs. See also:

Please note… #

  • Please note that a global hotkey can be used only by one application at a time. Some defined hotkeys might not work properly used with different active application windows.
  • Mac OS users should use Cmd instead of Ctrl and Option instead of Alt.
Developer's Alarm: 200+ Hotkeys To Boost Your Productivity

Windows & Windows-Applications #

Windows Logo
1Switches between minimizing all open programs and showing them all.Win + D
2Opens the Run WindowWin + R
3Open System PropertiesWin + Break/Pause
4Copy the selected itemCTRL while dragging an item
5Select / highlight a block of textCTRL+SHIFT with arrow key
6Browse through windows in the order that they had been openedAlt + Esc
7Copy the fileCTRL + C
8Paste the fileCTRL + V
9Cut the fileCTRL + X
10UndoCTRL + Z
11Reverse last Undo action if possibleCTRL + Y
12Open Utility ManagerWin + U
13Open Windows ExporerWin + E
14Open Context MenuShift + F10
15Navigate tabs on a tabbed screenCtrl + Tab
  • Use more global hotkeys in Windows: Windows keyboard shortcuts
  • Use global hotkeys in Mac OS: Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
  • Use global hotkeys in Linux: Linux Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know About

Browsers: Firefox & Co. (Eng version) #

Firefox Logo
16Remove CSS stylesAlt + V + Y + N (or CTRL + Shift + S with Web Developer’s Toolbar)
17Restore CSS stylesAlt + V + Y + B
18View the source codeCtrl + U
19View the source code of a selected code fragmentSelect the section, Shift + F10 and select “Show source code”
20Start DOM InspectorCtrl + Shift + I
21Start FirebugF12
22Add bookmarksCtrl + D
23BookmarksCtrl + B
24HistoryCtrl + H
25Reopen Previously Closed TabCTRL+SHIFT+T
26Bookmark all tabsCTRL+SHIFT+D
27BackAlt + Left Arrow
28ForwardAlt + Right Arrow
29Go one page back in your historyBackspace
30Add a keyword to a bookmarkGo to your bookmarks much faster by giving them keywords. Right-click the bookmark and then select Properties. Put a short keyword in the keyword field, save it, and now you can type that keyword in the address bar and it will go to that bookmark. [Add Shortcuts]
31Jump to Address BarCtrl + L or F6
32Go To HomepageAlt + Home
33Decrease Text SizeCtrl + -
34Increase Text SizeCtrl + +
35Go To HomepageAlt + Home
36Quick Search/
37Jump to Search BarCtrl + K
38Navigate in the tab historyALT + Left Arrow (back), ALT + Right Arrow (forward)
39Open New TabCtrl + T (keyboard), Double Click on Tab Bar (mouse)
40Close Current TabCtrl + W (keyboard), Middle Click on Tab (mouse)
41Jump To Next TabCtrl + Page up or CTRL + Tab
42Jump To Previous TabCtrl + Page Dn or Ctrl + Shift + Tab
43Open link in a new tabCtrl + Left mouse click
43Select a TabCtrl + [1 - 9]
45Move to a next linkTab
46Move to a previous linkShift + Tab
47Display all previous text entered in a text box and/or available options on drop down menu.Alt + Down arrow

Browsers: Internet Explorer 7 #

Internet Explorer 7
48Open link in new background tabCTRL+left mouse button or middle mouse button
49Open link in new foreground tabCTRL+SHIFT+left mouse button or CTRL+SHIFT+middle mouse button
50Open Quick Tab ViewCTRL+Q
51View list of opened tabsCTRL+SHIFT+Q
52Select the Address barAlt + D
53Open the website address that is typed in the Address Bar in new tabAlt + Enter
54Jump to Search BarCtrl + E
55Open New TabCtrl + T (keyboard), Double Click on Tab Bar (mouse)
56Close Current TabCtrl + W (keyboard), Middle Click on Tab (mouse)
57Jump To Next TabCtrl + Tab
58Jump To Previous TabCtrl + Shift + Tab
59Select a TabCtrl + [1 - 9]
60Open feedsCTRL+J
61Move to a next linkTab
62Move to a previous linkShift + Tab

Music Player: Winamp #

Winamp Logo

To enable Winamp Global Hotkeys select the option Main Windows -> Options > Preferences > Global Hotkeys. You can define your personal hotkeys.

63Turn volume upCTRL + ALT + Arrow up
64Turn volume downCTRL + ALT + Arrow down
65Play, Restart or UnpauseWinamp window: x
66PauseCTRL + ALT + Home (Winamp window: c)
67PlayCTRL + ALT + Insert (Winamp window: x)
68StopCTRL + ALT + End (Winamp window: v)
69Previous trackCTRL + ALT + PgUp (Winamp window: z)
70Next trackCTRL + ALT + PgDn (Winamp window: b)
71Rewind 5 secondsCTRL + ALT + Arrow Left (Winamp window: Arrow Left)
72Fast Forward 5 secondsCTRL + ALT + Arrow Right (Winamp window: Arrow Right)
73Toggle repeatr
74Toggle shuffles
75Add filel
76Add directoryShift + l
77Randomize playlistCTRL + Shift + r

  • You can use further Winamp shortcuts: Winamp Global Hotkeys
  • Control iTunes using keyboard shortcuts: Hotkeys for iTunes
  • Control Last.FM using keyboard shortcuts: Autohotkey Script for Last.FM

Communication: Thunderbird #

Thunderbird Logo
  • You can define your own global hotkeys within Skype: Main Window -> Tools -> Options -> Hotkeys.
  • More global hotkeys for Microsoft Office Outlook: Keyboard shortcuts for Outlook
  • Use keyboard shortcuts for Thunderbird: All hotkeys: Mozilla Thunderbird Hotkeys

78Go to next messageF
79Go to next unread messageN
80Go to previous unread messageB
81Increase text sizeCtrl + +
82Decrease text sizeCTRL + -
83Mark message as Read/UnreadM
84Mark as junkJ
85Mark as not junkSHIFT + J
86View message sourceCTRL + U
87Compose a new messageCTRL + M, CTRL + N, Cmd + Shift + M (Mac)
88Reply to a messageCtrl + R
89Get new message for current accountCTRL+T
90Get new messages for all accountsCTRL+SHIFT+T
91Open a received messageCTRL + O
92Send a message nowCTRL + Enter/Return

Communication: Google Mail #

Google Mail
93Compose a new messagec, + c allows you to compose a message in a new window.
94Reply to a messager, + r allows you to reply to a message in a new window.
95Forward a messagef, + f allows you to reply to a message in a new window.
96Go to inboxg then i
97Puts your cursor in the search box/
98Move to the next messagen
99Move to the previous messagep
100Report spam!

File Management: Total Commander #

Total Commander

101Activate left menu or deactivate menuF10
102Compare file listsSHIFT+F2
103Create new text file and load into editorSHIFT + F4
104Copy files (with rename) in the same directorySHIFT + F5
105Rename files in the same directorySHIFT + F6
106Minimizes Total Commander to an iconSHIFT + Esc
107Go to previous/next dir of already visited dirsALT+left/right
108Open history list of already visited dirsALT + Arrow Down
109Select allCTRL+NUM +, CTRL + A
110Deselect allCTRL+NUM -
111Change to parent directory (cd ..)CTRL+PgUp or Backspace
112Jump to the root directory (most European keyboards)CTRL+
113Jump to the root directory (US keyboard)F7
114Sort by nameCTRL+F3
115Sort by extensionCTRL+F4
116Sort by date/timeCTRL+F5
117Sort by sizeCTRL+F6
118Show all filesCTRL+F10
119Show only programsCTRL + F11
120Show user defined filesCTRL + F12
121Show file propertiesALT+ENTER
122Directory branch: Show contents of current dir and all subdirs in one listCTRL + B
123Open directory hotlist (’bookmarks’)CTRL + D
124Connect to FTP serverCTRL + F (Disconnect: CTRL + SHIFT + F)
125Multi-Rename-ToolCTRL + M
126Copy current path to cmd lineCTRL + P
127Quick view panel instead of file windowCTRL + Q
128Open new folder tab and activate itCTRL + T (CTRL + SHIFT + T, open new folder, but don’t activate it)
129Exchange directoriesCTRL + U
130Exchange directories and tabsCTRL + SHIFT + U
131Open dir under cursor in new tabCTRL + Arrow Up
132Jump to next tabCTRL + TAB
133Jump to previous tabCTRL+SHIFT+TAB
134Jump to a file/locationCTRL+ALT+Letter(s)

  • Use Global Keys with Windows Explorer:

Wordpress #

Wordpress Logo
135boldAlt + Shift + B
136italicAlt + Shift + I
137blockquoteAlt + Shift + Q
138Unordered list (ul)Alt + Shift + U
139Ordered list (ol)Alt + Shift + O
140List Item (li)Alt + Shift + L
141codeAlt + Shift + C
142insAlt + Shift + S
143delAlt + Shift + D
144linkAlt + Shift + A
145more (Read More tag)Alt + Shift + T
146Publish an articleAlt + Shift + P

Communication: Microsoft Office Outlook #

Microsoft Outlook Logo
147Switch to MailCTRL + 1
148Switch to CalendarCTRL + 2
149Switch to ContactsCtrl + 3
150Switch to TasksCtrl + 4
151Switch to NotesCtrl + 5
152Create an appointmentCTRL+SHIFT+A
153Create a contactCTRL+SHIFT+C
154Create a journal entryCTRL+SHIFT+J
155Create a meeting requestCTRL+SHIFT+Q
156Create a messageCTRL+SHIFT+M
157Create a noteCTRL+SHIFT+N
158Create a taskCTRL + SHIFT + K
159Check spellingF7
160Forward the mailCTRL + F
161Search the textF4
162Switch to InboxCTRL+SHIFT+I
163Switch to OutboxCTRL+SHIFT+O
164SendAlt + S
165Reply to a messageCtrl + SHIFT + R
166Check for new mailCTRL+M or F9
167Compose a new messageCTRL + N
168Open a received messageCTRL + O
169Mark as readCTRL + Q
  • You can define your own global hotkeys within Skype: Main Window -> Tools -> Options -> Hotkeys.

Communication: ICQ #

ICQ Logo
  • You can define your own global hotkeys within Skype: Main Window -> Tools -> Options -> Hotkeys.
170Simulate Double Clicking on System TrayCTRL + SHIFT + I
171Activate and Deactivate User WindowCTRL + SHIFT + A
172Close ICQControl + Shift + I and then Alt + F4
173Send a URL to a contactControl + Shift + F6
174Change statusAlt + S + <PgDn>
175Receive incoming messageControl + Shift + I
176Select a buddyInsert + <Character>

Image Management: ACDSee Viewer #

ACDSee Logo

177Decrease the magnification of the current image (zoom out)- (minus sign)
178Increase the magnification of the current image (zoom in)+
179Copy the current item to a folderALT + C
180Move the current item to a folderALT + M
181Rename the current item to a folderALT + R
182Show the properties paneAlt + Enter
183Display or hide the status barb
184Display or hide the menu barCtrl + Shift + M
185Open the current image in the default editing applicationCTRL + E
186Open the Convert File dialog boxCTRL + F
187Copy the selected portion of an image to the clipboardCtrl + Insert
188Open the Rotate/Flip Images dialog boxCTRL + J
189Opens the current image in Edit Mode, and activate the Adjust Exposure toolCtrl + L
190Open the current image in Edit Mode, and activate the Resize toolCTRL+R
191Clear the current selectionCTRL+Q
192Save an imageCTRL + S
193Close the viewer windowsCTRL + W
194Rotate the current image 90-degrees clockwiseCtrl + Alt + <right arrow>
195Change the image color depth to Black and WhiteCtrl + Shift + 1
196Open the batch image processing menuCTRL + Alt + B
197Opens the current file in the default system applicationShift + E

Coding: Ultraedit #

198Toggle Word WrapCTRL + W
199Insert current time/dateF7
200Find matching brace (,[,{ or },],)CTRL + B
201Reformat ParagraphCTRL + T
202Tag listCTRL + F8
203Convert selected text to lower caseCTRL + F5
204Convert selected text to upper caseAlt + F5
205Invoke the spelling checkerCTRL + K
206Toggle column/block modeALT + C
207Set bookmarkCTRL + F2
208Go to next bookmarkF2
209Insert user-defined templateAlt+0-9 or Shift+Alt+0-9
210Scroll up one line keeping cursor in viewCTRL + Up
211Scroll down one line keeping cursor in viewCTRL + Down
212Display function listF8
213Go to next paragraphAlt + Right
214Go to previous paragraphAlt + Left

Bookmarklets #

If you’ve used them once you’ll never be able to work without them. Bookmarklets (or Favelets) are tiny Javascript-Snippets, which are stored within a bookmark and add particular functionalities to the browser you’re using.

We have collected the most useful of them. And listed them in a comprehensive post Bookmarklets, Favelets and Snippets. You might be willing to check them out.

— Comments 103

Elliott Cross
Elliott Cross wrote #

Great list! Helps save me some time, and answered some questions about some of the problems I have been having. Guess I can start getting some of the hotkeys the same for each application now that I use to keep it easier to remember! Can we get this in .pdf format? Maybe with one app per page? Thanks a ton for all of your useful articles!

lizzard wrote #

Fantastic article! Can I have a .pdf of it? Thanks!

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