99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications
Below, we present 99 Essential Twitter Tools and Applications, split into the following categories: Tools and Productivity Apps, Statistics and Analytics, Find New Twitter Friends Apps, Search Twitter Apps, Web-Based Mobile Apps, WordPress Twitter Plug-Ins, Adobe Air Twitter Apps and Firefox Twitter Extensions.
You may want to take a look at the following related posts:
- 50 Twitter Tools and Tutorials For Designers and Developers
- 15 Useful Twitter Plugins and Hacks For WordPress
- Twitter Icons: Cute Tweeters & Birdies
- 8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter
Tools and Productivity Apps
Twittercal Twittercal is a service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar and lets you add events easily, directly from your Twitter account.
Twitpay TwitPay is a simple way to send payments via Twitter.
Twibs Find, follow and interact with businesses, apps and services on Twitter.
Twittermail.com Users can post to their Twitter account by sending a message to their own unique email address.
Twitzu Promote your business, special offers, promotions and events with Twitzu.
Twuffer Twuffer allows the Twitter user to compose a list of future tweets and schedule their release.
TweetLater This app allows you to post Tweets at a later time and date.
GroupTweet Send private Twitter messages to specific groups of friends.
Twitter Alerts Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company and anything else, via hourly email updates.
TwitPic TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter. You can post pictures to TwitPic from your phone, the TwitPic home page or your Twitter account.
Your Twitter Karma Twitter needs a decent page for your followers, with the functionality to sort them by type. This Web app does that.
Mr. Tweet A personal networking assistant for Twitter, helping you identify relevant followers, recommending you to other users and regularly computing your Twitter usage statistics.
Remember The Milk Remember The Milk keeps track of your tasks. Simply add Remember The Milk as your friend, and you can add and interact with your tasks through direct messages and get reminders, too.
StrawPoll StrawPoll is the coolest way to follow the opinions of people on Twitter. With this app, you can create your own poll.
Twiddict If Twitter goes down and you start to feel withdrawal symptoms, use this service to continue using it. Twiddict makes sure all your tweets end up going to the proper place.
Twitter Friends Network Browser Browse through your Twitter friends, your friends’ friends, your friends’ friends’ friends…
Twitterfeed Post your RSS feed to Twitter automatically.
Twitturly Twitturly is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about, as they talk about them, on Twitter.
Twittonary The Twitter Dictionary, aka Twittonary, provides explanations of various Twitter-related words.
twtQpon Enhance your social media marketing by offering discount coupons to the Twitter-sphere!
twenglish Twitter translator: Simply type in your tweet, and twenglish will twanslate your tweet for you.
twtcard Send a greeting card, a surprise message or an invitation on Twitter.
Tweet What You Spend Cash-tracking made simple with Twitter.
Twittertise Twittertise allows you to advertise on Twitter and track the success of your branded communications with customers.
TwitWall With TwitWall, you can embed your favorite videos and widgets and upload your photos, MP3 music, podcasts, you name it.
UnTweeps Unfollow Tweeps who have not posted tweets recently.
TwitRand(); Select a random Twitter follower, friend or retweeter.
TwitBlocker If you become overwhelmed by a Twitter user’s constant tweets, you can keep them quiet with a single click of a button.
Twitterless Twitterless tells you who stops following you and graphs your follower history over time, displaying the info in a variety of useful views.
Twonvert With Twonvert, you can easily convert your tweets into SMS shorthand language and say more with less characters.
Postica Create a sticky note for your tweets.
twi8r Translate from English to text message shorthand and vice versa.
Twitter Statistics and Analytics
Twitterholic.com This website is constantly being updated to allow you to find the most popular Twitter users. Want to be on the list? Twitter constantly.
TweetStats An app that tracks your number of tweets per hour and per month. It basically creates a graph based on your tweets.
Twitter Grader Twitter Grader measures the power of your Twitter profile. How high do you rank?
twInfluence Similar to Twitter Grader, twInfluence lets you calculate the indirect influence of you and your followers on Twitter.
TwitterCounter A thorough analytical Web app.
tweetVolume Enter keywords or a phrase and see how often it appears on Twitter.
Twist See trends on Twitter; find out what’s hot and what people are saying about it.
TweetRush TweetRush provides estimated statistics on Twitter usage over a period of time.
Tweetwasters Just how much time do you spend on Twitter? Are you wasting time?
Find New Twitter Friends Apps
TwitterTroll.com TwitterTroll.com is a real-time Twitter search engine to find new friends.
Just Tweet It Just Tweet It makes it easier for tweeters to find other tweeters with similar interests.
Friend or Follow Who are you following who is not following you back?
Qwitter: Catching Twitter quitters Qwitter emails you when someone stops following you on Twitter.
Twubble Twubble is a Twitter extension that helps you find more friends.
Twitter Follower-Friend Ratio Your Twitter ratio is the ratio of your followers to friends (i.e. people you follow). It is measured with the TFF ratio (Twitter follower to friend ratio). The higher the ratio, the more Twitter heat you pack.
Nearby Tweets Who is tweeting close to you? This app helps you connect with them.
Friend or Follow Who are you following who is not following you back?
Qwitter: Catching Twitter quitters Qwitter emails you when someone stops following you on Twitter.
Twubble Twubble is a Twitter extension that helps you find more friends.
Twitter Follower-Friend Ratio Your Twitter ratio is the ratio of your followers to friends (i.e. people you follow). It is measured with the TFF ratio (Twitter follower to friend ratio). The higher the ratio, the more Twitter heat you pack.
Nearby Tweets Who is tweeting close to you? This app helps you connect with them.
Search Twitter Apps
WhosTalkin WhosTalkin is a tool that allows users to search for conversations on the topics they care about most.
Twitter Search Search Twitter is an excellent search engine that allows you to find out what’s happening in the world beyond your personal timeline.
Flaptor Twitter Search Comprehensive Twitter search.
Twitscoop Input a Twitter username or keywords in the Twitscoop search box to track a conversation, topic or conference.
Twellow With Twellow, you can search for someone on Twitter or browse through various tweet categories.
twitSeeker twitSeeker is an alternate search engine for finding Twitter users and browsing the results in one interface.
Twitter Web-Based Mobile Apps
Hahlo Hahlo is an excellent and fully featured Twitter client for your iPhone and iPod Touch.
TwitterFone Send messages to Twitter using your voice.
PocketTweets PocketTweets is a Web-based Twitter client for the Apple iPhone.
TinyTwitter TinyTwitter works on any Java-enabled device and any Windows Mobile Pocket PC or smartphone.
TwitterBerry TwitterBerry is a mobile client for posting updates to Twitter from your BlackBerry.
twitxr Share pictures and status updates from your mobile.
Slandr Slandr delivers an enhanced mobile website for Twitter.
Twitter2Go Twitter2Go provides a quick and simple way to update your Twitter status.
Tapulous Discover, connect with and send messages to people nearby. Upload photos and update your Twitter account.
Twittelator Twittelator is an all-around great new application for your iPhone.
TwitterFon TwitterFon is a simple, clean, easy to use and super-fast Twitter client for your iPhone and iPod Touch.
iTweet 2 iTweet 2 has built-in auto-refresh, search and hash tags. You can view user bios and locations and also view conversations with the “in reply to” links.
GPS Twit Run GPS Twit on your phone to make it easy for your friends to find you.
iTwtr An open-source Twitter client for your iPhone.
WordPress Twitter Plug-Ins
Twitter for WordPress Twitter for WordPress displays yours latest tweets in your WordPress blog.
Twitter Tools This plug-in integrates your WordPress blog and Twitter account. Pull your tweets into your blog, and create new tweets from blog posts from within WordPress.
Twitpress Twitpress is a WordPress plug-in that submits a user-definable tweet to your Twitter account, notifying Twitter followers or friends that you have posted a new blog entry.
SimpleTwitter SimpleTwitter allows you to add Twitter messages to WordPress templates (and not just in the sidebar).
Tweet This A plug-in that adds a Twitter link to every post and page on your WordPress website, so that visitors can share your blog entries through their Twitter accounts. It also shortens URLs automatically.
TweetBacks This plug-in imports any tweets that discuss your blog or post. The tweets appear as comments.
TwitterCounter Install TwitterCounter on your blog to display the number of followers you have on Twitter.
MyTwitter MyTwitter allows you to display your Tweets on your WordPress website and update your status on the MyTwitter settings page.
TweetRoll With the TweetRoll widget, you can display the number of your followers and friends.
Twitt-Twoo Twitt-Twoo is a simple little plug-in that allows you to update your Twitter status right from your blog’s sidebar.
Adobe Air Twitter Apps
Toro for Twitter Designed to be simple, Toro uses an experimental Twitter client library to remove the Twitter API limit.
twhirl Most of the features available on the Twitter website are accessible through twhirl, with usability enhancements.
Tweetr Tweetr is a Twitter client that allows you to send and receive Twitter messages, but with some added cool features: support for taking photos with your webcam and sending files (up to 10 MB).
TweetDeck TweetDeck aims to improve the existing functionality of Twitter by taking the abundance of Twitter feeds and breaking it down into more manageable bite-sized pieces.
DestroyTwitter DestroyTwitter is a series of canvases that constantly update to keep tweets current and up to date using notifications that appear as soon as a new tweet is posted.
TwitterLocal TwitterLocal is an Adobe AIR-based app that allows you to filter tweets by location.
Spaz Spaz is a well-designed and well-developed Twitter client.
Snitter Short for “Snooks’ Twitter,” Snitter is a cross-platform desktop Twitter client.
Twitch Some features of Twitch are TwitPic integration, URL shortening, the ability to combine friends and replies, reply-highlighting hash-tag support and more.
Firefox Twitter Extensions
TwitBin TwitBin is a Firefox extension that allows you to keep up with all of your Twitter conversations directly from your browser’s sidebar. Send and receive messages, share links and more.
Power Twitter Power Twitter adds a multitude of features to the Twitter website interface.
TwitterFox This extension adds a tiny icon to the status bar that notifies you when your friends have updated their Twitter status. It also has a small text input field to allow you to update your own status.
Twitzer This Firefox extension lets you post tweets longer than 140 characters on Twitter.
TwitterBar TwitterBar allows you to post to Twitter from the Firefox address bar.
Twitter Search This plug-in gives you quick access to the real-time Twitter search engine.
Hoopla! An essential Twitter plug-in for the Firefox quick search feature.
TwitterEyes TwitterEyes keeps track of your character count as you compose tweets and replaces characters if you need extra room.
Finally, Worth A Look
Is Twitter Down? Is Twitter down just for me or for everyone? This great app gives you a simple answer: yes or no.
twistori An interesting Twitter experiment: click on a keyword on the left, and see what tweets are currently being published that contain that word.
Twittervision A real-time geographic visualization of tweets. Amazing.
twittearth Similar to Twittervision (above) but with a sleeker interface.
Related Posts
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