Free Minimal, Swiss Design WordPress Themes (4 Themes)
In this post we release yet another freebie: an original set of four exclusive minimal, clean WordPress themes designed by Marios Lublinski and released for web design community. As usual, the themes are free to use for private as well as commerical projects.
The themes are beautifully built with minimal and clean designs. These themes will come handy for artists, graphic designers, illustrators and photographers who’d like to have a clean, minimal portfolio to showcase their work.
The themes are simple but powerful, with a touch of traditional Swiss design and layout techniques. The unique style and design is what separates these themes from others. You will also be able to withhold the focus on your work, since you are the artist and should be in control of what the observer sees when visiting your site. Each one comes with a full video overview and support of how to use and manage it.

A nice extra feature for this release is a detailed video overview for each theme. The video will walk you through thoroughly on how to install the theme and customize it:
- WordPress 3+ Compatible
- Support and Updates
- Embraces Social Media
- Firefox, IE7+8, Safari compatible
Download the Themes for Free
All themes are released under GPLv2 General Public License. You can use them for all your projects for free and without any restrictions. Please link to this article if you want to spread the word. You may modify the themes as you wish.
Minimal Theme

- Minimal theme preview (.jpg, 0,36 Mb)
- download the .zip-package
- download the .zip-package (SmashingMag’s mirror)
Studio Theme

- Studio theme preview (.jpg, 0,24 Mb)
- Studio theme live demo
- download the .zip-package
- download the .zip-package (SmashingMag’s mirror)
Style Theme

- Style theme preview (.jpg, 0,40 Mb)
- Style theme live demo
- Style theme: video overview
- download the .zip-package
- download the .zip-package (SmashingMag’s mirror)
Swiss Theme

- Swiss theme preview (.jpg, 0,32 Mb)
- download the .zip-package (mirror)
- download the .zip-package (SmashingMag’s mirror)
Behind the Design
As always, here are some insights from the designer:
“As you know there are thousands of free and premium themes out there for you to use. So why design another WordPress theme? Unless you design something unique and remarkable. Since everybody is focus on the Framework, Post Formats, Parent/Child, Genesis. I decided to focus on you, the artist, since I will spend exactly 3.2 seconds on your new website, I want to see something unique, modern and innovative. I want to see *your* work, I want to focus *only* on your work, NOT on the theme itself. I know there are thousands of beautiful themes out there, but once you put your work inside those themes, your work will have disappeared and the theme will stand out than the rest. This is not what I wanted to create — I want your work to be the main focus, and the theme just to be a *support*.”
Thank you, Marios. We appreciate your work and your good intentions!
Further Reading
- Free SSL For Any WordPress Website
- Making A WordPress Plugin That Uses Service APIs
- 3 Approaches To Adding Configurable Fields To Your WP Plugin
- Useful Tips To Get Started With WordPress Hooks
- How To Make WordPress Hard For Clients To Mess Up