54 Colorful Small Icons – Introducing The Smallicons [Freebie]

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Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing, he’s most probably running front-end & UX … More about Vitaly ↬

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In this article, we feature a set of 54 flat icons created and designed by Nick Frost and Greg Lapin. If you are looking for a way to make your design fresh and expressive, then this freebie is the answer. It includes 36 icons drawn from a full commercial set available on Smallicons, plus 18 icons designed exclusively for Smashing Magazine.

Today we are pleased to feature Smallicons, a set of 54 flat small icons. If you are looking for a way to make your design fresh and expressive, then this freebie is the answer. The set was created and designed by Nick Frost and Greg Lapin of Smallicons.

The freebie includes 36 icons drawn from a full commercial set available on Smallicons, plus 18 icons designed exclusively for Smashing Magazine.

small icons

Description And Features #

The small icons were made using Photoshop vector shapes and are available in different formats, giving you maximum convenience and saving you time for more creative tasks. The PNG files come in two dimensions (32 × 32 and 64 × 64 pixels). The set also includes swatch files, so that you can select colors in Photoshop using the color swatches palette. Smallicons is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported licence, freely available for personal and commercial projects.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • PSD file with 32- and 64-pixel versions;
  • Ready-to-use PNG files in 32- and 64-pixel versions (@2x sizes are also included with both versions, for making Retina-ready apps and interfaces);
  • SVG vector source files;
  • Photoshop swatches files.

Smallicons is a fully scalable set.

Nothing’s easier than customizing Smallicons with the embedded color swatches!

the small icons
This preview shows all of the icons in the set. (Large view)

Download The Icon Set For Free #

Behind The Design #

As usual, a word from the designers themselves:

"When you start to design in a flat style, it can be hard to stop — harder than you think! That is exactly what happened to us when we designed the icons for Smallicons. It turned into a big project, which we hope will help designers and other professionals whose work is based on graphics one way or another."

Thank you, dear Nick and Greg, for creating this beautiful set! We appreciate your work and efforts!

Further Reading #

Smashing Editorial (al, ea, il, mrn)

— Comments 21

Daryl wrote #

Wonderful! Exactly the style I like, simple with a nice touch and easily to recognize.

Goran wrote #

Lovely looking set, thanks!

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