Live Accessibility And Performance Audits At SmashingConf Toronto
Earlier this year, many of your favorite speakers were featured at SmashingConf Toronto, however, things were quite different this time. The speakers had been asked to present without slides. It was interesting to see the different ways our speakers approached the challenge.
Two of our speakers chose to demonstrate how they audit a site or application live on stage: Marcy Sutton on accessibility, and Tim Kadlec on performance. Watch the videos to see an expert perform these audits, and see if there is anything you can take back to your own testing processes.
To watch all of the videos recorded in Toronto, head on over to our SmashingConf Vimeo channel.
Accessibility: Marcy Sutton
Marcy took two example components, built using React, and walked us through how these components could be made more accessible with some straightforward changes.
Performance: Tim Kadlec
Tim demonstrates how to test the performance of a site, and find bottlenecks leading to poor experiences for visitors. If you have ever wondered how to get started testing for performance, this is a talk you will find incredibly useful.
Enjoyed watching these talks? There are many more videos from SmashingConf Toronto on Vimeo. We’re also getting ready for SmashingConf New York next week — see you there? ;-)
Further Reading
- Sketchnotes And Key Takeaways From SmashingConf Antwerp 2023
- How To Become A Better Speaker At Conferences
- SmashingConf Live! Is A Wrap
- A Web Designer’s Accessibility Advocacy Toolkit