In this second installment of Inspired Design Decisions, Andy Clarke will teach you how to expand your repertoire of layouts by combining more than one grid into a compound grid. This article will change the way you think about designing with grids.
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The web is wonderfully diverse and unpredictable because of wonderfully diverse people shaping it. In this new series of short interviews, we talk to interesting people doing interesting work in our industry and sharing what they’ve learned. Today, Vitaly Friedman kindly asked Aaron Pearlman, Principal UX Designer at Deque Systems, to share some practical tools and techniques to ensure that we’re all providing an inclusive and accessible experience for our users.
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You may not have thought much about lists, although we use them frequently in our markup. Many things can be marked up quite logically as a list. There is more to styling lists in CSS than you might think. In this article, Rachel Andrew starts by looking at lists in CSS, and moving onto some interesting features defined in the CSS Lists specification — markers and counters.
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In this second part of our tutorial on building Sketch plugins, Matt Curtis will pick up where he left off with the building of our user interface, and then he’ll move on to the key feature of actually generating our layer mosaics and optimizing the final plugin code. You will learn how to connect the user interface to the core plugin code and how to implement the plugin’s main features. Last but not least, you’ll also learn how to optimize the code and the way the plugin works.
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In this two-part article, you’ll learn how to build your our own Sketch plugins from scratch — giving you the skills needed to accomplish tasks much faster, easier, and better.
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Social media communication is unlike any other. It’s abbreviated. It’s personal. And it’s driven by visuals. Doesn’t that sound a lot like what a mobile website or PWA would benefit from? As you look for ways to improve engagement rates with your designs, consider weaving some social media-inspired elements into them. In this article, Suzanne Scacca talks about drawing inspiration from the abbreviated way in which we talk to others there. After all, mobile websites, PWAs, and native apps give us very little space to tell a story and engage an audience with it. Adopting a social media-inspired design would be helpful in quickly getting our message across on mobile screens.
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Slots are a powerful tool for creating reusable components in Vue.js, though they aren’t the simplest feature to understand. Vue’s slots take component-based development to a whole new level, and while in this article you will discover a lot of great ways slots can be used, there are countless more out there. Today, Joseph Zimmerman takes a look at how to use slots and some examples of how they can be used in your Vue applications.
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Prospective clients are not easy to say “yes” to. You worry that your profit margins will be slim — if you end up making any money at all. But what if there were a site builder solution built specifically for that purpose? In this article, Suzanne Scacca will tell you eberything about Sitejet. With Sitejet, you’ll be able to easily collaborate with your team and customers to build, manage and launch websites in record-time. If you’ve ever felt bad about turning away small businesses, Sitejet makes it possible for you to start saying “yes” to them.
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In this article, Miriam Suzanne takes a deeper dive into the ‘CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables’ specification to ask, “Why are they called custom properties, how do they work in the cascade, and what else can we do with them?” Pushing past the “variable” metaphor, custom properties can provide new ways to balance context and isolation in CSS patterns and components.
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What could be a better way to welcome the new month than with a fresh wallpaper? Well, we might have something for you: wallpapers created with love by the community for the community — all available with and without a calendar for July 2019. Please note that all images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper, and you can feature your work in our magazine, too. So if you have an idea for an August wallpaper design, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with.
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