We all want to load images fast on the web. Choosing the right image format, optimizing the quality and using responsive images are important tasks, but what can we do beyond that? As developers, we need to measure performance. We should care more about the loading experience of the websites we build. It’s great that we now have tools such as WebPageTest and Lighthouse that can help us easily measure the effect of using progressive image loading techniques. No more excuses!
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Today’s article is all about facial recognition technology. Despite all of the limitations of facial recognition, such as variations in posing, lighting and image quality, the technology is gaining in popularity and eventually will become a part of users’ everyday lives. In this article, Nataliia Kharchenko and Illia Chemolosov decided to share their experience of dealing with facial recognition algorithms and engines and things they’ve learned.
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Nine years is a long time, and sometimes we all should break out of our comfort zones and try something new, right? Today, Cosima Mielke invites you to join our Creativity Challenge and win a smashing prize. All you need to do is design a wallpaper for March 2018 around the theme “Exploring New Worlds.” The deadline is Sunday, February 25th.
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Do You Need A Media Query? The first rule of using media queries is to ask yourself if you really need to use a Media Query at all. In this article, Rachel Andrew will take a look at the use of media queries for responsive design today, how they work alongside Flexbox and Grid Layout, and also have a look at what is coming in the future.
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We all learn lessons as we make our way through life and work. Ricky Onsman thought it might be useful to find out what kind of advice folks in the community have found to be particularly valuable. Some of the following advice focused exclusively on web work, some on work in general, and some on life in general.
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The WordPress ecosystem, which relies on a huge community of developers, enables us to constantly incorporate new features into our websites with no major effort, or at least with much less effort than is required to develop the functionality from scratch. Moving from WordPress to Netlify has trade-offs. What if we could have a WordPress website in which its dynamic content could be exported as static files? Leonardo Losoviz explains how you can combine both worlds: switch to a static site generator without having to abandon WordPress.
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Content marketing is the practice of creating a piece of content. This piece of content is generally free, though it may be hidden behind a simple email/lead-capture form, and it usually is meant to be found through search or through free/low-budget distribution methods It is tough, but with the right WP plugins, you can turn your website into a content marketing machine, one that actually performs for your business. Here are some stellar plugins that will ensure your efforts aren’t falling short.
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JavaScript is essential to any advanced web app, so a strong debugger is a key part of the toolset. In this article, Dustin Driver and Jason Laster find out how the new Firefox JavaScript debugger can help you write fast, bug-free code. They will crack open a very simple to-do app with Debugger divided into three panes: the source list pane, the source pane, and the tool pane.. Here’s how it works!
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As every month since more than nine years already, artists and designers from across the globe once again fired up their favorite illustration tools and got out their paint brushes and cameras to create charming desktop wallpapers that are sure to breathe some fresh life into your desktop. Today, Cosima Mielke brings you unique and inspiring desktop wallpapers that celebrate the month of love, Chinese New Year, and the small things that make us happy. Created by artists from across the globe and available with and without a calendar for February 2018.
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The most important thing to remember when designing products is that design is for people. To design great products, you must deliver the right features, with the right user experience for the right people. Thus, define your target audience, then research their problems, and, finally, focus on building a product that solves those problems! In this article, Nick Babich takes a closer look at how to define an optimal product vision, strategy, and design process.
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