A business loses potential customers as they move closer to the purchasing stage. Improving the user experience can reduce this loss by removing unnecessary barriers to shopping online.
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In this article, we will take our first steps with CSS animation and consider the main guidelines for creating animation with CSS. We’ll be working through an example, building up the animation using the principles of traditional animation. Finally, we’ll see some real-world usages.
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A Smashing freebie: a Facebook Fan Page GUI PSD, designed by Hike and released for Smashing readers. You can use it for all your projects for free and without any restrictions.
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Dickson Fong shares the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting criteria for defining user and business goals. Don’t try to create a good user experience… Create a S.M.A.R.T. one.
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Interaction design is a multi-faceted discipline that links static communications together to form an experience. In this article, Jeff Gothlef explains the basic principles of this discipline to understand and implement in your next project.
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LESS and Sass share a lot of basics. oth of them are fantastic tools for designers who code, and they can also help developers work more efficiently and quickly. In this post, Jeremy Hixon presents the main difference between them.
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You might think that reporting the bug would be pointless. Read this post to know how to identify a bug, learn why you should bother reporting bugs, and become part of making the Web a better place.
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In this post, Eran Galperin breaks down some of the techniques and approaches to working with the PayPal API, in order to make integration and troubleshooting simpler and easier.
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The entire process of designing digital applications comes with many challenges and decisions. For the majority of projects, you will be designing in somewhat familiar territory.
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In this multi-part post, Addy Osmani takes you through the exact set-up he uses to accurately test content that will be potentially viewed by up to millions of users with a very diverse set of browsers.
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