Embracing the fragility of the web empowers us to build UIs capable of adapting to the functionality they can offer, whilst still providing value to users. The User Experience (UX) doesn’t need to be all or nothing — just what is usable. This premise, known as graceful degradation allows a system to continue working when parts of it are dysfunctional — much like an electric bike becomes a regular bike when its battery dies. This article explores how graceful degradation, defensive coding, observability, and a healthy attitude towards failures better equips us before, during, and after an error occurs.
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After analyzing CSS and its weaknesses, and management giving a green light to the refactoring project, it’s time to get to work. A team needs to agree on the internal code standards and best practices, plan out the refactoring strategy, and outline individual tasks. We need to set up a visual regression testing suite, and a maintenance plan to enforce the new standards and best practices in the future.
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New month, new wallpapers! In this post, you’ll find unique and inspiring wallpapers for August 2021. Created with love by the community for the community, they come in versions with and without a calendar for the month.
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Having an e-commerce store is crucial for any store owner as more and more customers are turning to online shopping. In this article, Zara Cooper will cover how to build an e-commerce store using Angular 11. You shall use Commerce Layer as our headless e-commerce API. Although there may be tonnes of ways to process payments, she’ll demonstrate how to use just one, Paypal.
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What are absolute units? What are the differences between relative and absolute units, and how do we create accurate sizes on the web? It’s important to note that there are still significant differences between relative and absolute units. CSS relative units are sized according to other style definitions defined by parent elements or are affected by the size of a parent container. As for absolute units, we will dive in and see how they are affected by other things, such as the screen and the device’s operating system. In this article, Elad Shechter explains why CSS absolute units aren’t so absolute.
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Dialogs are everywhere in modern interface design (for good or for bad), and yet many of them are not accessible to assistive technologies. In this post, Kitty Giraudel is going to write a small JavaScript library for authoring accessible dialogs from the very beginning. The goal is to understand what goes into it. She’s not going to deal with styling too much, just the JavaScript part.
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Next.js has strong opinions about how to organize JavaScript but not CSS. How can we develop patterns that encourage best CSS practices while also following the framework’s logic? The answer is surprisingly simple — to write well-structured CSS that balances global and local styling concerns. In this article, Alexander Dubovoy will build a website (a tea shop!) to demonstrate these patterns.
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Gatsby recently announced the launch of “functions”. In this article, Paul Scanlon explains how to get the current location of the International Space Station (ISS) as it orbits the Earth in real-time using Gatsby Functions and then display it on a 3D interactive globe using React Three Fibre.
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Word-of-mouth recommendation is an incredibly desirable way to win work. It requires zero marketing efforts and typically converts at a higher rate as your agency has been recommended. However, you should never rely on word of mouth alone. Many web design agencies consider it a badge of honor that they win work exclusively through word-of-mouth recommendations. In this article, Paul Boag explains why that is entirely the wrong attitude and what to do about it.
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Are you running a business and have too many things going on at once? Meetings, bugs, customer feedback, new clients in addition to your already tight deadlines? Let’s face it, time management is hard, and it becomes even more difficult in the trying times we are in. Here’s how tools like Trafft that have meeting scheduling software capabilities can be used to easily set up our calendars to allow clients to book time with us directly.
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