Adrian Bece is a full-stack web developer with extensive eCommerce experience. He enjoys writing and talking about the latest and greatest technologies in web development, mainly JavaScript, React, Svelte and CSS.
The View Transitions API is a new — but game-changing — feature that allows us to do the types of reactive state-based UI and page transitions that have traditionally been exclusive to JavaScript frameworks. In the second half of this mini two-part series, Adrian Bece expands on the demos from the first article to demonstrate how the View Transitions API can be used to transition not just elements between two states but the transition between full views and pages in single-page and multi-page applications.
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The View Transitions API is a new — but game-changing — feature that allows us to do the types of reactive state-based UI and page transitions that have traditionally been exclusive to JavaScript frameworks. In the first part of this mini two-part series, Adrian Bece thoroughly explains why we need the API and demonstrates its basic usage.
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In this second article of a two-part series, Adrian shares insights about building WaterBear — his first project as a lead developer — discussing the challenges his team encountered while building it and various accessibility and performance improvements they’ve made. You’ll get a peek at the inner workings of a team striving to find its groove to systematize the work.
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Adrian’s kicking off a two-part series, sharing his journey as a lead developer. In the process, you will learn about the lessons and insights Adrian gained at work, including the strategies that went into the technical stack of the project and what it looks like to collaborate with a team he is leading for the first time.
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In this article, Adrian deconstructs YouTube’s “Ambient Mode” feature and how HTML <canvas> and the requestAnimationFrame function are used to create the glowing effect.
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Developers often feel discouraged from editing SVG markup and experimenting with SVG animations, thinking it’s a significant time investment or they need to use a complex animation library to do so. In this article, Adrian showcases his favorite tricks, which make the process streamlined and fun.
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There is no universal solution for making every kind of table responsive and usable on smaller screens, so we have to rely on various patterns, which Adrian explains in this two-part series.
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There is no universal solution for making every kind of table responsive and usable on smaller screens, so we have to rely on various patterns, which Adrian explains in this two-part series.
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In this article, Adrian Bece will show how to create same-document page transitions for Single Page Apps using Shared Element Transitions API and check out its future implementation and potential for creating cross-document transitions in Multi-Page Apps.
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Shared Element Transitions API is a game-changing feature that will enable us to create impressive and elaborate UI animations easily. In this article, Adrian Bece will explore its incredible potential by building four real-life examples from scratch.
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CSS is constantly evolving, and some cool and useful properties either go completely unnoticed or are not talked about as much as others for some reason or another. In this article, we’ll cover a fraction of those CSS properties and selectors.
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Loading experience is crucial to the user’s first impression and overall usability, so Google defined Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric to measure how quickly the main content loads and is displayed to the user. This new attribute will enable us to fine-tune relative resource priority, improve LCP performance, deprioritize JavaScript fetch calls, and much more. Let’s check out fetchpriority and explore some potential use cases.
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This fresh new design trend has been picking up steam with the rising popularity of colorful inflated 3D graphics in web illustrations and with the latest Virtual Reality projects like “Horizon Worlds”. Let’s see if there is room for Claymorphism on the UI, and how we can create this effect with CSS.
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In this article, Adrian Bece shares more about the benefits and caveats of code-splitting and how page performance and load times can be improved by dynamically loading expensive, non-critical JavaScript bundles.
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In this article, Adrian Bece will explore fluid typography principles, use-cases, best practices, implementation with CSS clamp function and how to calculate the right parameters. He’ll also show you how to address some accessibility concerns and watch out for one important issue that you cannot fix as of yet, but have to be aware of regardless.
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Refactored codebase should result in similar or improved performance and improved codebase health. After all, if deploying the refactored codebase causes loading or performance issues, it will result in less traffic and revenue. Luckily, there are many optimization techniques we can apply to tackle potential file size and performance issues.
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After analyzing CSS and its weaknesses, and management giving a green light to the refactoring project, it’s time to get to work. A team needs to agree on the internal code standards and best practices, plan out the refactoring strategy, and outline individual tasks. We need to set up a visual regression testing suite, and a maintenance plan to enforce the new standards and best practices in the future.
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In this three-part series, Adrian Bece is going to go through the CSS refactor process from the beginning to the end, starting with knowledge on how to approach it and some general pros and cons of refactoring, then moving onto the refactoring strategies themselves and ending with some general best practices on CSS file size and performance. CSS refactoring is not an easy task — it needs to be done in a way that doesn’t create problems. First we need to analyze the existing codebase, audit CSS codebase health, discover weaknesses, agree on the approach, and convince management to invest time and resources into the process.
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What makes relational selector one of the most requested features and how are we, as developers, working around not having it? In this article, we’re going to check the early spec of the :has selector, and see how it should improve the CSS workflow once it’s released.
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CSS Container queries bring media queries closer to the target elements themselves and enables them to adapt to virtually any given container or layout. In this article, Adrian Bece is going to cover CSS container query basics and how to use them today with progressive enhancement or polyfills.
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Easing functions can change the look and feel of an animation by affecting the rate, or speed, of an animation. As human beings, we are accustomed to a natural, non-linear motion. Using those custom-easing functions in the animations can lead to an improved impression on users and a more delightful user experience. In this article, we’re going to take a deep dive into easing functions and see how we can use them to create those natural and stunning animations.
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Houdini, an umbrella term for the collection of browser APIs, aims to bring significant improvements to the web development process and the development of CSS standards in general. Frontend developers will be able to extend the CSS with new features using JavaScript, hook into CSS rendering engine and tell the browser how to apply CSS during a render process. Houdini’s browser support is improving and some APIs are available for use today, so it’s a good time to become familiar with them and experiment. We are going to take a look at each part of Houdini, its current browser support and see how they can be used today using progressive enhancement.
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