Andrew Rossi is a web designer and developer at FORGE and part-time faculty at the University of Dayton. When he isn’t fighting with Photoshop, he likes to develop for the iPhone and taunt on Team Fortress 2. He also forms prose at You can go ahead and follow him on Twitter.
If you work at an agency or design house, chances are that most of your time is spent working on client projects. After months of bending over backwards to meet your clients’ demands, work may start to get a little stale. At this point, it’s okay to become a little selfish and ask yourself: “When was the last time that we have done something for ourselves?”
Seriously. When was the last time that an idea was expressed that interested everyone within earshot? When was the last time that the thought of a side project made you excited? If you can’t remember when that last time was, or worse, you have never taken part in a company side project… well, you might have a little problem.
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