Brad Frost is a mobile web strategist and front-end designer at R/GA and is based out of beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. He is passionate about mobile and is constantly tweeting, writing and speaking about it.
In this chapter, Brad Frost will tackle all that goes into selling, creating, and maintaining effective design systems. What begins as a giant slab of rock can turn into a finely polished sculpture, thanks to a ton of hard work, genuine collaboration, constant communication, and plenty of iteration. If you like what you read, we’ve got you covered! The print version of Smashing Book 5 (including the eBook) bundled with the Atomic Design eBook is available today for just $29 — down from $49. Get the bundle now. You ready? Let’s go.
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Brad Frost analyzes the websites and techniques of the two US presidential candidates of 2012: Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Why did the candidates attempted to create mobile-optimized Web experiences? Learn more about an early case of a link between a presidential race and making websites mobile-friendly.
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