Developer Relations Engineer at Storyblok. From Buenos Aires, Argentina, he has more than 15 years of experience in software development. Systems Engineer graduated from the National Technological University from Argentina. Full Stack Developer. Auth0 Ambassador. Prisma Ambassador. Cloudinary Media Developer Expert. GitKraken Ambassador. He is also an open-source contributor.
A well-designed composable system should not only consider the technical aspects but also take into account the nature of the content it handles. To help us with that, we can use a Headless Content Management system such as Storyblok.
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Let’s talk about Remix, the framework to create JavaScript projects using server-side rendering. Let’s go through its main features and concepts and see the similarities and differences with Next.js.
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There are many scenarios where we don’t need to follow the architecture that frameworks like React or Next.js impose on us, and that is OK. However, jQuery is a library that contains a lot of code and features that are not needed anymore. In this article, Facundo Giuliani will take a closer look at different approaches and strategies on how you can migrate a web application that uses jQuery framework, and start using one of the coolest React frameworks in the market: Next.js.
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At the moment of adding authentication and authorization to our web applications, there are some things that we should evaluate, e.g. whether we need to create our own security platform or whether we can rely on an existing third-party service. Let’s see how we can implement authentication and authorization in Next.js apps, with Auth0.
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