Gabriele Romanato is a web developer. Contributor of the W3C CSS Test Suite, he is also skilled with jQuery and WordPress. You can find more about him by visiting his blog or his Facebook page. He is also on Twitter.
In this series of articles, Gabriele Romanato will cover in depth a practical implementation of session storage by creating a complete e-commerce shopping cart with the sessionStorage object and jQuery. Remember that, in these articles, you won’t find a new technique to replace existing server-side techniques, but rather just a proof of concept of session storage.
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For several years, Generated content was used by relatively few Web authors due to inconsistent browser support. But in 2009, the feature was rediscovered, and many interesting implementations were adopted for the first time. In this article Gabriele Romanato will show us some possible uses of generated content.
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Totally taming form elements is impossible due to the lack of detail in the CSS specification and because of the default styles applied by Web browsers. However, Gabriele Romanato shows us that, by following some common practices, reducing (though not eliminating) the differences and achieving good visual results is possible.
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