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Author Leonardo Losoviz

32 articles

Leonardo Losoviz is a freelance developer and writer, with an ongoing quest to integrate innovative paradigms (Serverless PHP, server-side components, GraphQL) into existing PHP frameworks (WordPress, Symfony, Laravel), and unifying all of them into a single mental model. He gives account of his progress on Smashing Magazine, on his own blog, and in whichever event he is accepted to speak.

Making GraphQL Work In WordPress

Building An E-Commerce Site With October CMS And Shopaholic

Abstracting WordPress Code To Reuse With Other CMSs: Implementation (Part 2)

Abstracting WordPress Code To Reuse With Other CMSs: Concepts (Part 1)

Exploring New Ways To Manage Content In WordPress

“Create Once, Publish Everywhere” With WordPress

Postmortem Of Gutenberg The Launch, So We Can Embrace Gutenberg The Product

Automating Website Deployments Through Buddy

The (Upcoming) WordPress Renaissance

Going Serverless With Cloudflare Workers

A Detailed Comparison Between WordPress And October CMS

Using Composer With WordPress

Improving WordPress Code With Modern PHP

Introducing The Component-Based API

Caching Smartly In The Age Of Gutenberg

Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Automatically Inlined Code

Implications Of Thinking In Blocks Instead Of Blobs

Sending Emails Asynchronously Through AWS SES

Sharing Data Among Multiple Servers Through AWS S3

Adding Code-Splitting Capabilities To A WordPress Website Through PoP

How To Make A Dynamic Website Become Static Through A Content CDN

Implementing A Service Worker For Single-Page App WordPress Sites