Mariya is the Head of Design & Engagement at TOPBOTS, a leading branding & marketing firm specializing in bots, chatbots, and conversational artificial intelligence. Her mission is to help brands & businesses design delightful conversational experiences that simplify technology and streamline your life.
Is chatting actually good for bots? Early user reviews of chatbots suggest not. How “chatty” your chatbot should be will depend on your users’ mental models of chatbots and the goals and needs your chatbot fulfills for them. Problems occur when designers do not decide up front who their audience is, how the chatbot fits into their business or brand strategy, what domains the chatbot will and will not cover, and what a successful experience should look like. Gizmodo writer Darren Orf describes Facebook’s chatbot user experiences as “frustrating and useless” and compares using them to “trying to talk politics with a toddler.” His criticisms are not unfair.
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