Morten Rand-Hendriksen is a senior staff instructor at LinkedIn Learning and with 60+ courses published on WordPress, web standards, design and UX, and future technologies. He also teaches Interaction Design at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and contributes to WordPress core and community projects.
Developers and designers need to initiate a conversation about the ethics of web design, i.e. how do we define and measure goodness and rightness in the digital realm? It’s important to discuss responsibilities, decisions, and consequences. Even small and seemingly insignificant decisions can have enormous implications, and ethics can help ensure the longevity of our designs and help us carve paths to better futures for everyone. It’s about time that we, the people who build the web, initiate a conversation about where we are and where we want to go. It is time we talk about the ethics of web design.
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Our industry thrives on constant, aggressive development, and new technologies emerge on a regular basis that change the way we do things in fundamental ways. Much of what we know of the possibilities, limitations and best practices surrounding web layouts is effectively rendered obsolete by the CSS Grid Layout module. In this article, Morten Rand-Hendriksen will bring you some concepts into practical use. What you’ll get is a starting point for exploring what new layout opportunities and challenges CSS grid brings, what old problems it solves and how to start using the module in production websites today.
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