Shane Hudson is a front-end developer specialising in digital healthcare. He values his wide range of experience that shows how people use the web in different ways and the challenges that all teams face building for the web.
Recently UXPin has extended its powerful Merge technology by adding npm integration, allowing designers to sync React component libraries without requiring any developer input. This new step aims to improve collaboration between designers and developers.
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Ever felt overwhelmed by the number of things you need to learn? Today, we look at how Uxcel eases this transition and approaches actively learning new skills to take our careers to the next level.
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You don’t need to know your trees from your dangling blobs. If you use Git every day and feel like it’s a juggling act, then here are some tricks and tips to help make your life a bit easier. There’s been a lot written about getting started with git, understanding how git works under the hood or techniques for better branching strategies. In this article, Shane Hudson will specifically target the stuff that just makes your life better in a small way.
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Building websites is hard. Being user-focussed, having a progressive enhancement mindset, and thinking things through from the beginning can have a real impact on both the speed and quality of delivery. In this article, Shane Hudson is going to explore building a text box, in an exaggeration of situations many of us often find ourselves in. Hopefully, by the end of this article, you can all feel more emphatic to how the journey from start to finish is rarely linear.
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