In this three-part series, Adrian Bece is going to go through the CSS refactor process from the beginning to the end, starting with knowledge on how to approach it and some general pros and cons of refactoring, then moving onto the refactoring strategies themselves and ending with some general best practices on CSS file size and performance. CSS refactoring is not an easy task — it needs to be done in a way that doesn’t create problems. First we need to analyze the existing codebase, audit CSS codebase health, discover weaknesses, agree on the approach, and convince management to invest time and resources into the process.
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HSL colors are very powerful when we use them the right way. They can save us time and effort and even help us to explore options for how to apply color to design. In this article, Ahmad Shadeed explains what HSL is, how to use it, and shares some of the useful use-cases and examples that you can use right away in your current projects.
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Image placement on the modern web is highly intentional, helping to communicate the overall purpose of a page or view. This means that nearly every image you declare needs to have an alternate description. Nulling an image indicates that it is for decorative purposes only. In this context, decorative means that the image does not visually communicate information that is important to understanding the purpose of the page or view, and why the image is included as a part of that.
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Spoiler alert: tooltips, modals, tabs, carousels, and dropdown menus are some of the user interface components that require more than CSS. To ensure accessibility of your interface, JavaScript is a necessary addition to accomplish focus management, respond to keyboard events, and toggle ARIA attributes.
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What makes relational selector one of the most requested features and how are we, as developers, working around not having it? In this article, we’re going to check the early spec of the :has selector, and see how it should improve the CSS workflow once it’s released.
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Google’s Core Web Vitals initiative has taken the SEO and Web Performance worlds by storm and many sites are busy optimizing their Page Experience to maximize the ranking factor. The Cumulative Layout Shift metric is causing trouble to a lot of sites, so let’s have a look at ways of addressing any issues for that metric.
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Web fonts are often terrible for web performance and none of the font loading strategies are particularly effective to address that. If you want to use web fonts your choices are basically Flash of Invisible Text (aka FOIT) or Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT). Neither option has really “won out” because neither is really satisfactory, to be honest. Upcoming font options may finally deliver on the promise of making it easier to align fallback fonts to the final fonts.
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CSS Container queries bring media queries closer to the target elements themselves and enables them to adapt to virtually any given container or layout. In this article, Adrian Bece is going to cover CSS container query basics and how to use them today with progressive enhancement or polyfills.
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In this article, Shalabh Vyas will show you how to build a WYSIWYG/Rich-Text Editor that supports rich text, images, links and some nuanced features from word processing apps. We will use SlateJS to build the shell of the editor and then add a toolbar and custom configurations. The code for the application is available on GitHub for reference.
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In more recent years, design systems and component libraries have gained popularity. There is also a desire to build once, deploy anywhere. Meaning a component developed in isolation is intended to work in any number of contexts to make building complex interfaces more efficient and consistent. CSS container queries have landed and are now available for experimentation. Let’s look at what problem is being solved, learn how container queries work, and see how they compare with and complement existing CSS features for layout.
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