Becoming an effective designer requires embracing universal design principles and best practices. Rick Monro looks at thoughts that are typically associated with self-imposed negative influences.
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Jad Limcaco raises the question: Is there such thing as a talented designer? Or is good design a skill? Or maybe to be a great designer, you need a combination of talent, skill, and experience?
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Karim Boubker believes that an active, clean, and good looking social media profile can benefit an individual greatly. You will be seen and represented by the things you share, so the content should be good.
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Efforts to keep reggae popular on the world stage have led to a narrow conformist definition of the genre’s visual brand. Dan Mayer goes through the impressions left behind on Jamaica’s album covers to analyze the multitude of contradictions in the postcolonial experience.
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Website users want their content delivered to them in a way that is easy to understand, intuitive and engaging. In this post, Anne Sallee Miles focuses on some basic user interface ideas and patterns that Web designers can learn from video games.
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Simon Thomas looks at the development of the Berlin street art scene, from its beginnings as a minor West Berlin movement in the late ’70s to its current status. How does street art shapes the public space?
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Marshall McLuhan’s phrase sums up that the medium through which we choose to communicate holds as much, if not more, value than the message itself. Jason Gross shares why understanding the meaning behind this theory revolutionized the way he approaches Web design.
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Dan McKenzie helps designers become familiar with what they need to know to get started with Android and to deliver the right assets to the development team. From demystifying Android screen densities, to what Android 3 is about.
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Well crafted content its as important as design and programming. In this article, Brad Shorr shares his twelve years of experience in producing Web content to avoid content errors in a Web development project.
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A number of techniques and elements can be used in Web forms to turn them from abject failures into successful conversion points. Shawn Borsky brings us some interesting examples and useful guidelines for Web form design.
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