The Smashing Book 2 is here. It’s printed. And it’s being delivered worldwide at this very moment as you are reading this. All pre-ordered books have been sent out from our warehouse via air mail and should reach all countries soon. In fact, some readers have alreadyreceiveda copyof thebook.
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What’s the best way to start a new year? Not just with resolutions and good intentions, but with good deeds! Therefore, today we have the pleasure of announcing that a new Smashing Book is on its way. And not only that: it’s not just a book but an annual event.
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Jessica shares her insights from her internship at Smashing Magazine, and explains why as well as how it opened doors for her professionally.
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We still have very little information about the Web design community itself. How many professionals are there around the world? Jessica interviewed 15 of our writers to find some answers to her questions.
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An introduction to the very first Smashing Book release. The book shares technical tips and best practices on typography, usability, UI design, marketing, color usage, and so much more.
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2009 was a very successful year for Smashing Magazine. It was a year of ambitious goals and an intense time schedule, which brought many changes over the past year. In 2009 we published more posts than ever (on average, 8 posts per week). We broadened our areas of interest: for instance, we explored freelancing and the business side of web development, but also tackled user interface design and mobile web design. We also discovered new formats, such as the “Global Web Design” series and Q&A-Sessions — unfortunately, the latter (the Ask SM series with Chris Coyier) lasted only a couple of months.
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The Smashing Book project is now entering its next phase. Based upon your tremendous feedback, we have finalized the concept and the outline for the book. In fact, the topics have been selected and our writers have already started to brainstorm the ideas for their chapters in the book. The one thing that still remains to be discussed is how the book will actually look like.
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A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Cartoons and Comic Strip Art and, to be honest, there was a good reason why we took some time to research on this topic. The truth is that we are pretty tired of the same kind of content appearing in the Web over and over and over again. During our winter break in December we came up with some new ideas, concepts, formats and projects that we will try to achieve with Smashing Magazine in 2009.
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