The Web has become increasingly interactive over the years. This trend is set to continue with the next generation of applications driven by the real-time Web.
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Developing for the Web can be a difficult yet rewarding job. Given the number of browsers across the number of platforms, it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. But if we start coding with a little forethought and apply the principles of progressive enhancement from the beginning and apply some responsive practices at the end, we can easily accommodate for less-capable browsers and reward those with modern browsers in both desktop and mobile environments.
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The Web is just starting to use animation well. For years, animated GIFs and Flash ruled. Text moved and flashed, but it was never seamless. Animations had boxes around them like YouTube videos. HTML5 canvas changes everything about Web animation.
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Much of the excitement we’ve seen so far about HTML5 has been for the new APIs: local storage, application cache, Web workers, 2-D drawing and the like. But let’s not overlook that HTML5 brings us 30 new elements to mark up documents and applications, boosting the total number of elements available to us to over 100.
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Update (November 12th 2011): Read a reply by Jeremy Keith to this article in which he strongly argues about the importance of pursuing semantic value and addresses issues discussed in the article as well as in the comments here on Smashing Magazine.
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If you really care about your visitors, then read this post in which Sergey Chikuyonok demonstrates how to optimize images with HTML5 Canvas.
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Giving your website a clean and concise structure opens the door to myriad opportunities. But, putting a website together the right way does take more time and money up front. Jason Gross goes over this topic in this article.
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In this article, David Martin shares how to introduce HTML5 and CSS3 to clients, so that they understand why developers and agencies are changing the way of doing things.
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