The state of passwords today causes more headache than happiness. Nearly half of Americans have had their account hacked in the last year alone. Are web designers and developers taking enough measures to prevent these problems? Or do we need to rethink passwords? Passphrases are a better alternative because they are more secure and usable. A few websites out there enforce passphrases. No user should feel like they’ve lost their keys or had their house broken into. But switching to passphrases doesn’t require a technical overhaul. It’s as simple as introducing the concept to users and requiring a higher character length.
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The “P” in P versus NP stands for polynomial time. That just means we can predict the maximum amount of time it will take to solve the problem. You may have never heard of P versus NP, but in this article, Zack Grossbart will walk you through it, show you how it works and explain why it matters. There’s a little math, but don’t worry; it’s all pretty easy. P versus NP is a mathematical question masquerading as a philosophical one. It describes the difference between solving a problem and knowing whether you’ve solved it.
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Unfortunately your website will never be completely unhackable. It’s crucial to take preventive measures and regularly improve your website’s security, but responding accordingly if your website does get hacked is equally important. In this article, Daniel Kanchev will provide a simple seven-step disaster-recovery plan for WordPress, which you can follow in case of an emergency. He’ll illustrate it with a real hack and specific commands that you can use when analyzing and cleaning the website.
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Installing security plugins is a good practice and a must for every WordPress website. However, if your file-system permissions aren’t set up correctly, most of your security measures could be easily bypassed by intruders. In this article, Benjamin Intal will teach you all about WordPress filesystem permissions and ownership: what they are, why they are important and how to set them up. He will also cover the two most common WordPress server configurations (how they differ and how to set the proper permissions and ownership for each).
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In the construction industry, a “firewall” is a specially-built wall designed to stop a fire from spreading between sections of a building. The term spread to other industries like car manufacturing, and in the late 1980s it made its way into computing.
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While masking passwords is a good security practice, there’s a chance it could jeopardize the user experience of your sign-up form. In this article, Anthony T explores how to balance security and user experience.
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What hacks are WordPress users particularly vulnerable to? How do they get in? What do they do to a WordPress website? Siobhan McKeown provides more context about the things you need to protect yourself from.
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At our company, we process a lot of requests on the leading gift cards and coupons websites in the world. The senior developers had a meeting in late October to discuss working on a solution to replicate the MySQL functions of AES_ENCRYPT and AES_DECRYPT in the language of PHP.
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E-commerce runs on secrets. Those secrets let you update your blog, shop at Amazon and share code on GitHub. Computer security is all about keeping your secrets known only to you and the people you choose to share them with.
We’ve been sharing secrets for centuries, but the Internet runs on a special kind of secret sharing called public-key cryptography. Most secret messages depend on a shared secret—a key or password that everyone agrees on ahead of time. Public-key cryptography shares secret messages without a shared secret key and makes technologies like SSL possible.
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Security has become a foremost concern on the Web in the past few years. Hackers have always been around, but with the increase in computer literacy and the ease of access to virtually any data, the problem has increased exponentially. It is now rare for a new website to not get comment spam within days of its release, even if it is not promoted at all.
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