Today, we’ll delve into the gaping maw of knowledge that is the standards and practices of WordPress coding. By the end of this article, you should be familiar with the guidelines and the underlying approach. With some practice, you will be able to adhere to the rules and make educated guesses about the less regulated corners of the specifications.
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In this article, we’ll look at writing documentation for a WordPress plugin, theme or product. Most of the information can be applied to documentation for other software types, but we’ll look at some WordPress-specific aspects. In my experience, the quality of documentation in WordPress plugins and themes varies widely.
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Let’s see what we got: WordPress as this flexible, easy to use Open-Source blogging and CMS system. More and more mobile devices flooding the market every day and being extremely popular. Plus the need of more beautiful designed and coded WordPress themes for users to choose from that will work well across all these different devices. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get to work!
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There are different ways to make your website faster: specialized plugins to cache entire rendered HTML pages, plugins to cache all SQL queries and data objects, plugins to minimize JavaScript and CSS files and even some server-side solutions.
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WordPress businesses are springing up all of the time. Some of them succeed, some of them fail, and some of them go global. Last month, I wrote a post on Smashing Magazine about the thriving WordPress economy.
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The absolute best thing about WordPress is how flexible it is. Don’t like it? Change the theme. Need added functionality? There is probably a plugin you can download or buy. If not, built it yourself! You can change pretty much everything about WordPress. In this article I’m going to go over some easy ways to customize WordPress that you may not know about.
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It’s been a couple of years now since the concept of responsive design took the Web design world by storm, and more and more websites are going responsive. But there are still some barriers and potential problems, not the least of these being the challenge of reducing the size of files that you’re sending to mobile devices.
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This article will guide you through the process of creating a front-end page in WordPress that lists your authors. We’ll discuss why you would want to do this, we’ll introduce the WP_User_Query class, and then we’ll put it it all together
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WordPress has a fairly straightforward registration system. To register, you only need to submit a user name and your email address. A password is then emailed to you and you can log in. This registration process can actually be made quicker by enabling visitors to sign up and log in using social media services such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
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“Mobile Web design.” Unless you’ve been hiding under a bush for the last 18 months, you’ll know that it’s one of the hottest topics in the industry at the moment. Barely a week goes by without new tips being unveiled to help us hone our skills in making websites work as well — and as fast — as possible on mobile devices.
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