Making our code CMS as agnostic as possible enables us to easily port our application to another CMS if the need arises. Since these CMSs and frameworks (WordPress, Drupal, Laravel) all run on PHP, making their PHP code re-usable too will make it easier to run our components on all these different platforms. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will show you how code abstraction works, why it is a good idea, and the key concepts to achieve it.
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Gutenberg is reinventing the experience of creating content in WordPress, granting it new powers to create, edit and manage our content. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will shine some light on these upgraded capabilities, exploring the new tools at our disposition and presenting several new ones to be released sometime in the future.
Let’s see what these new powers are!
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The term COPE (“Create Once, Publish Everywhere”) is a methodology for publishing our content to different outputs (website, AMP site, email, apps, and so on) by having a single source of truth for all of them. Concerning WordPress, even though it has always shined as a Content Management System, implementing the COPE strategy has historically proved to be a challenge. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will explore how to implement COPE using WordPress.
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Even though Gutenberg is currently at its best ever, many people still do not welcome it into their projects, due to the frustrating experience suffered when it was launched with WordPress 5.0. This is unfortunate, because, as a product, Gutenberg is outstanding. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will do a postmortem of what went wrong with the launch of Gutenberg, as to allow ourselves to embrace Gutenberg as the product.
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As a web designer, you’re probably all too familiar with feast or famine. Or with the dreaded scope creep that robs you of the profits you were so looking forward to pocketing. But that’s what happens when your ability to make money rides on how many hours you can work. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a steady flow of money coming in at all times? In this post, Suzanne Scacca is going to look at how adding WordPress maintenance services might provide that solution.
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Back in the day when we didn’t have responsive tables, it wouldn’t have been a problem to display a complex table on mobile the same way you would on desktop. Visitors knew that they’d need to pinch to zoom in, then scroll left and right, to consume all the data within it. But we don’t have any excuse for creating poor experiences like that today. Today, Suzanne Scacca will tell you what you need to know about designing complex tables for your mobile visitors in WordPress.
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Depending who you ask, you may hear that Gutenberg is the worst or the best thing that has happened to WordPress. But since its release 8 months ago, Gutenberg has been greatly improved, offering a user experience much richer than anything that was possible in WordPress. At the current pace of development, it’s only a matter of time until its most outstanding issues have been dealt with and the user experience becomes truly pleasant. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz will take a look at its latest developments, and where it is heading to.
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Are you using many full-sized images on your WordPress site? Take note that this is causing your pages to load slowly. A slow website affects your SEO, increases the bounce rates, and keeps your audience at a distance. There are many ways to speed up your WordPress site, each one complementing the other. In this article, Adelina Țucă will help you learn how to easily optimize all the images on your site (manually or on autopilot) in order to gain better loading times.
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WordPress is a fantastic CMS that powers a big chunk of websites out there, which all have different features. As a result, it has a pretty robust architecture that can feel a bit too complex to run a simple blog. In this article, Christopher Kirk-Nielsen will go over how he made the transition from WordPress to a specific static site generator named Hugo. Let’s have a look at how Hugo can help us create a blog that is simple and fast!
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Many people are currently looking for alternatives to WordPress. In this article, Leonardo Losoviz compares WordPress to the arguably similar yet more modern October CMS on a wide arrange of both technical and non-technical topics, by exposing the important concerns that need to be kept in mind when looking for a suitable CMS for your projects. The goal of the article is not to convince people to stick to WordPress or to switch to October CMS, but simply to demonstrate what aspects must be taken into account before concluding the move to a different platform. The same comparison could (and should) also be done with other platforms before making a sensible decision.
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