As more designers and writers look to analytics to inform their decisions, many still struggle to implement their findings in a sustainable, ongoing way. Too often, testing and analysis are one-off activities, providing plenty of important-looking numbers but not lot of context or specific direction.
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Responsive design for images is about optimizing the process of serving images to users. In this article, Anders Andersen & Tobias Järlund will share their responsive image technique, the “padding-bottom” technique, which they researched and implemented on the mobile version of the Swedish news website Aftonbladet (Sweden’s largest website). The technique presented here applies to all types of responsive websites.
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Unlike other industries, the web design and development community are all about sharing knowledge and experience. We are very lucky to be part of such a great and useful learning environment, and it is up to us to embrace it — to embrace our learning experiences, and also to embrace our ability to share.
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Part two of our journey is all about marketing. Even the coolest app in the world is doomed to swiftly descend into the abyss of obscurity if no one knows about it, but it turns out that you don’t need a huge marketing budget to get into the top 10 in the App Store. Get out there and build something great!
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Jeremy Olson believes we learn much more from success than from failure, and that we have many shining lights in the app industry. By studying independent developers who have succeeded in the App Store again and again, he was able to learn the basic principles that he needed to succeed, and he hopes this article will help others do the same.
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In this article, Adham Dannaway will show you how to create your own portfolio website. A challenging but enjoyable experience that he learned a lot from his goal was to create a unique online presence that represents his personality and displays his design work in detail, while of course serving as a promotional medium to gain more exposure and business. let’s get started!
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In this article, Matt Gibson will explain, from his own experience of refreshing his agency website, why he and his team abandoned a separate mobile website and will review their process of creating a new responsive design. A responsive website means better content parity for users and a single website to maintain!
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In this article, Addy Osmani will discuss how to improve the paint performance of your websites and Web apps. Luckily, a lot of great tools out there can help with that. Be sure to measure paint performance on both desktop and mobile, and if all goes well, your users will end up with snappier, more silky-smooth experiences, regardless of the device they’re using.
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What happens if you have an existing site or app that was built for desktop without a responsive or mobile strategy in mind? What if you don’t have the resources, time, or budget to start over from scratch in the near term? Despite being a design shop, we at Fresh Tilled Soil found ourselves in this very position. This is how we addressed it.
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Emergency car shopping is no fun. This past month was the second time I had to shop for a car in a short timeframe without advance warning. Like most informed shoppers, I went online to get a feel for my options, armed with knowledge of what I was looking for: apart from safety, gas mileage and reliability, it had to comfortably seat six and not require me to take out a second mortgage.
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