Media Queries are a great tool to enhance the experience of browsing a website on multiple devices. Find some techniques you can follow to address the problem of browsers that lack media queries support.
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Regardless of the tool you choose, testing early and often during the Web development process can save you from a lot of headaches later. Find a tool that fits your workflow with a little help from Cameron Chapman.
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Giving your website a clean and concise structure opens the door to myriad opportunities. But, putting a website together the right way does take more time and money up front. Jason Gross goes over this topic in this article.
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In this article, David Martin shares how to introduce HTML5 and CSS3 to clients, so that they understand why developers and agencies are changing the way of doing things.
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A visitor comes to your website all giddy to learn more about your product, when suddenly a snazzy slideshow loads with some snap. Impressed, they go to register and are greeted by a most elegant modal window. At this point they are finally overjoyed by the velociraptor that suddenly charges across their screen. They don’t know why but they like it.
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In this article, Louis Lazaris puts together a fairly comprehensive run-down of pseudo-elements. Get all of the concepts you need in order to create something practical with this technique.
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Programming mistakes come in many shapes and sizes. In this article, Paul Tero shares some of the mistakes he has made over his programming carrer, and the lessons learned from them.
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Kristoffer Sandven takes you through one of the default Joomla 1.5 templates and shows you how to modify it for your website. The techniques used in this post can be applied to Joomla 1.6 and later versions as well!
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Dan McKenzie helps designers become familiar with what they need to know to get started with Android and to deliver the right assets to the development team. From demystifying Android screen densities, to what Android 3 is about.
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David Boot brings you a tutorial that will help you get through the steps required to set up an Ubuntu VPS that is capable of hosting (multiple) Ruby on Rails applications. Let’s go through it!
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