Before you ever start coding, it’s essential that you “pop up” from the keyboard, and learn what your customers actually want to use and will pay for. In this article, Austin Gunter shares a process you can go through to find that out!
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As websites have become more robust, we have often placed the burden on our users to make more decisions, each of which distracts them from their wants and needs. However, by using a combination of technical solutions, we can often remove interface barriers for our users.
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Why is this legal template so popular? Does it really work better than other contracts? Can it help you close that job faster and protect you from getting stiffed? Could it become an industry standard, like grid systems and agile development? Who better than Mr. Andy Clarke himself to answer these questions!
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In order to understand what an ambigram is, we need to look at both parts of the ambigram: the word and the universal principle being expressed.
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More and more conferences are turning to video to capture their events to not only preserve the experience, but to pass it on to those who could not attend. We have gathered some inspiring resources and conference talks in this post, just in case you missed them or needed the refresher.
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Opting for a more detailed approach to displaying your work opens the door to a more creative approach to your portfolio. In this post, James Young shows us some good case studies.
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Sometimes, UX practitioners need some time to work through big design issues that don’t fit neatly into an existing user story or an individual sprint. This article will explore one answer to these problems: design spikes. This give UX teams a framework to conduct big-picture design within the scrum process.
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In this post, Steven Bradley guides us through five websites to explore navigation options. Generate ideas for alternate ways to navigate content!
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The purpose of this article is not to convince you to stop reading articles that help you learn the techniques of your craft. Its purpose is to make the case for a more balanced information diet, with which we all take the time to nourish the parts of our brain that give us much-needed context to understand and effectively use the techniques that we see in galleries and tutorials.
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Navigation menus are elements that can change dramatically in responsive websites. The change from a large context to a small context often requires changing the navigation pattern to something rarely seen on the Web until the arrival of responsive design.
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