After almost five years in development, the new HTTP/3 protocol is nearing its final form. Earlier iterations were already available as an experimental feature, but you can expect the availability and use of HTTP/3 proper to ramp up over in 2021. So what exactly is HTTP/3? Why was it needed so soon after HTTP/2? How can or should you use it? And especially, how does it improve web performance? Let’s find out.
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Word-of-mouth recommendation is an incredibly desirable way to win work. It requires zero marketing efforts and typically converts at a higher rate as your agency has been recommended. However, you should never rely on word of mouth alone. Many web design agencies consider it a badge of honor that they win work exclusively through word-of-mouth recommendations. In this article, Paul Boag explains why that is entirely the wrong attitude and what to do about it.
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Next.js has a file-based routing system in which each page automatically becomes a route based on its file name. Each page is a default exported React component from the pages directory that can be used to define the most common route patterns. This article will guide you through almost everything you need to know about Routing in Next.js and point you in the direction of related topics and concepts.
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We don’t need to write everything from scratch every single time. With boilerplates and starter kits, we can set up our projects faster, and get to work immediately. We’ve also just recently covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators, accessible front-end components and VS code extensions — you might find them useful, too. This collection is by no means complete, but rather a selection of things that the team at Smashing found useful and hope will make your day-to-day work more productive and efficient.
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Meet useful Visual Studio Code extensions for web developers: little helpers to minimize slow-downs and frustrations, and boost developer’s workflow along the way. Recently, we’ve also covered CSS auditing tools, CSS generators and accessible front-end components — you might find them useful, too. In this post, we look into useful VS Code extensions for front-end development, from fine productivity boosters to advanced debugging helpers.
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Mistakes. These cruel villains do not even stop at the beautiful world of software development. But although we cannot avoid making mistakes, we can learn to undo them! In this article, Tobias Günther will show you the right tools for your daily work with Git. You might want to check the first article of the series as well.
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In this episode, we’re talking about VisBug. What is it, and how is it different from the array of options already found in Chrome DevTools? Drew McLellan talks to its creator Adam Argyle to find out.
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Since its early days, JavaScript programs have grown in complexity and the number of tasks they perform. The need to compartmentalize such tasks into closed scopes of execution became apparent. “Tree-shaking” is a must-have performance optimization when bundling JavaScript. In this article, we dive deeper on how exactly it works and how specs and practice intertwine to make bundles leaner and more performant. Plus, you’ll get a tree-shaking checklist to use for your projects.
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In more recent years, design systems and component libraries have gained popularity. There is also a desire to build once, deploy anywhere. Meaning a component developed in isolation is intended to work in any number of contexts to make building complex interfaces more efficient and consistent. CSS container queries have landed and are now available for experimentation. Let’s look at what problem is being solved, learn how container queries work, and see how they compare with and complement existing CSS features for layout.
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The CSS Working Group Editor’s Draft for Selectors Level 4 includes several pseudo-class selectors that already have proposal candidates in most modern browsers. This guide will cover ones that currently have the best support along with examples to demonstrate how you can start using them today!
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