This article covers common problems using CSS floats and how to solve them using a block formatting context (BFC). Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, you will learn valuable insights and practical solutions for dealing with CSS float issues.
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In this article, we’ll talk about how to adapt our sites to the different scenarios of a device pointer: whether it has a pointer or not, or how accurate it is. To adapt our site to those devices’ needs we’ll talk about how to properly use media queries hover, pointer, any-hover and any-pointer.
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CSS Container queries bring media queries closer to the target elements themselves and enables them to adapt to virtually any given container or layout. In this article, Adrian Bece is going to cover CSS container query basics and how to use them today with progressive enhancement or polyfills.
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You may have come across horizontal scrollbar issues, especially on mobile, if you’re a front-end developer. Because there are many causes of scrollbar problems, there is no straightforward solution. Some issues can be fixed quickly, and some need a little debugging skill. In this article, Ahmad Shadeed will explore the causes of overflow issues and how to solve them. We will also explore how modern features in the developer tools (DevTools) can make the process of fixing and debugging easier.
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When inspecting most other grids in DevTools, you’ll notice that column widths are dependent on their parent element. Container units are a specialized set of CSS variables. They mirror the layout functionality found in UI design software where configuring just three values provides your document with a global set of columns and gutters to measure and calculate from. In this article, Russell Bishop will help you understand how to overcome these limitations using CSS variables and how you can start building with container units.
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The Multi-column Layout spec is often overlooked as we use Grid and Flexbox. In this article Rachel Andrew explains why it is different to other layout methods, and shows some useful patterns and sites which showcase it well. Rachel will take a look at Multi-column Layout — often referred to as multicol or sometimes “CSS Columns”. You’ll find out which tasks it is suited for, and some of the things to watch out for when making columns.
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You don’t need to commit to memorizing every CSS Property and Value, as there are good places to look them up. There are some fundamental things, however, which will make CSS much easier for you to use. In this article, Rachel Andrew aims to guide you along your path of learning CSS and outline resources for further reading on key areas of modern CSS development. Many of those are things right here on Smashing Magazine. Her aim is to cover the breadth of modern CSS with a focus on a few key areas, that will help to unlock the rest of the language for you.
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For the entire history of CSS Layout, being able to properly align things on both axes seemed like it might truly be the hardest problem in web design. The alignment properties that you might think of as the flexbox alignment properties are now fully defined in the Box Alignment Specification. If you have ever been confused about when to align and when to justify, this article will make things clearer! Today, Rachel Andrew will take a look at the alignment properties in Flexbox while discovering some basic rules to help remember how alignment on both the main and cross axis works.
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In this article, the beginning of a series on Flexbox, Rachel Andrew will take a detailed look at what actually happens when you add display: flex to your stylesheet. She will take the initial values of Flexbox, in order to explain what actually happens when you say display: flex. It’s a surprising amount once you begin to unpack it, and contained within these few properties are many of the key features of flex layouts.
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CSS Grid Level 2 is already in the process of being specified, and the main feature of this level of the spec is to bring us subgrid. In this article, Rachel Andrew is going to explain what is currently part of the Working and Editor’s Draft of that spec. Note that everything here is subject to change, and none of it currently works in browsers. Take this as a peek into the process!
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