Today, UX design contributes to the problem of excessive consumption through persuasive e-commerce practices and designing for companies with linear and exploitative business models. Anna Rátkai explores practical steps we can take to reduce material consumption and the massive environmental impact that comes along with it by designing mindful shopping experiences.
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Free-tier pricing is a common marketing strategy. “Free” gets people in the door and allows them to settle in and see how things work. But, as Juan Diego Rodriguez explains, the practice of free tiers is often conflated with free trials. And while the distinction may be nuanced, the consequences of sunsetting free-tier pricing may be huge.
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Whether digital or physical, designing a customer touchpoint requires an understanding of the essential relationship between the brand and the user experience, which is also known as the brand experience. This article is a simple guide to building long-lasting customer relationships based on the seven rules of Rikyu in the Japanese tea ceremony for a creative and memorable twist.
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Most product teams commonly adopt a feature-centric mindset, finding them convenient for brainstorming, drafting requirement documents, and integrating into backlogs and ticketing systems. In this article, Andy Budd shows how fixation with features might be holding you back and how making a few small tweaks to your process could make an entire world of difference.
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In this article, Sasha guides you through crucial processes and factors to achieve a consistent brand presence across platforms. She offers an overview of the entire brand identity process, explores collaboration with UI teams, and provides essential details on the assets required for the successful implementation of a digital brand.
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57% of product professionals say that product research has a positive effect on customer satisfaction. 42% agree that it affects profitability. Imagine how much more successful your product would be if you did research continuously?
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How can companies change their rating and review systems to better benefit users? Matt Athanasiou shares some steps to improve the experience of reviewing literature and other products — while also building stronger connections.
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Storytelling is a powerful tool for any UX designer. It helps create a product and understand the people who use it. In this article, Marli Mesibov takes a real-life example of an app she helped to build in 2017 and explains five steps you can use to help you build a story into your user experience.
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Product roadmaps are often treated as a series of checkboxes. But they are more than that. Having a loose product landscape offers a flexible way to be strategic and decisive about how to chip away at the big picture. Not dealing with can eventually leave you stranded on the roadside without a spare to keep you going. In this article, Scott Himmer explains how internal partnerships, research, design systems, and regular touch bases can help make sure that your product roadmap is a successful one.
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