For teams working remotely across the globe or together in an office, as well as for any group of collaborating users, a scheduler can be a valuable tool indeed. In this post, you’ll find some of the best commercial web scheduler libraries (JavaScript based) with amazing UX and high efficiency that are currently available.
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Victoria Johnson began a career in front-end development upon graduating from college. Now, roughly one year later, she reflects back on the decisions she made to crack into the field and find her first full-time job. This is her story, and she’s sharing it to provide those who are just starting out with another beginner’s perspective.
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We waste so much today. One way of focusing on what truly matters is by identifying Top Tasks for yourself. In this article, Gerry McGovern will show you how to make tough decisions by focusing on the real, quantifiable evidence that will help create a better experience for your users.
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Building a development environment with the shell as a keystone offers multiple benefits. You can use tools that fit nicely with each other, you can customize everything depending on your own needs, and the biggest of all, you can control your entire development environment with your keyboard. This can save a lot of cognitive energy as well as deliver a pleasant user experience.
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A good management of your product records, i.e. all documents associated with your product — saves time, reduces anxiety, boosts onboarding and makes you ready for vacations or sudden leaves. All product specialists should know the basics. Of course, it would be easier for you to find, say, your July report for investors if everyone on the team named and structured their assets consistently. Let’s have a look at how to do that.
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It’s no secret that the technical interview process leaves something to be desired; it’s often riddled with anxiety and stress. From the recruiter’s phone call to the systems design interview to negotiating a job offer, there is no all-encompassing technical interview resource, so Emma Bostian decided to create one. In this article, Emma Bostian is going to take a look at seven of the most common mistakes candidates make in their technical interviews and explore ways you can avoid them.
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As developers, we’re constantly learning new languages and frameworks. But how can you structure this learning to ensure maximum benefit while still progressing? Here’s how you can devise your own curriculum to keep moving in the right direction. The following are simply steps that worked for Kirsty Simmonds when she needed to learn over time, without burning out or placing undue pressure on myself. If they work for you, wonderful. If not, no worries. We all have our own pace!
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Saying no is a skill. Saying yes to the wrong freelance opportunities can lead you toward misery and burnout, and we could all probably improve how mindful we are about our work, partners, and clients. For hungry freelancers, it can be hard to turn work away. But in the long run, saying no to a project that’s a bad fit will make you a better freelancer. This article will help freelancers and consultants think critically about when to decline an opportunity or request and how to do so assertively but kindly.
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“If you build it, they will come.” That’s certainly true when you put a lot of time and effort into building websites and PWAs for clients. But what happens when “they will come” becomes “too many of them came all at once and now the site’s gone down”? Traffic surges do happen. But rather than let your website become victim to them, Suzanne Scacca will show you how you can set it up to be the victor, with this guide.
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Many developers get to a point in their careers in which they’ve achieved many of their goals and wonder about the future. Although some are confident continuing down the same road, others might feel the urge to explore different options in which their skills can be used to have a broader impact on the projects we work on and the teams we work with. I explored some of the different directions we can take and the complementary skills that can help us throughout our journey.
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