What started as a case study turned into a guide to visualizing audio with JavaScript. Although the output demos are in React, Jhey Tompkins isn’t going to dwell on the React side of things too much. The underlying techniques work with or without React.
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rameworks provide convenient ways to achieve complicated tasks, and they have benefits beyond technical ones, such as aligning a group of developers to a particular style and pattern. The web platform offers many choices, and adopting a framework gets everyone at least partially on the same page for some of those choices. In this second part, Noam suggests a few patterns of how to use the web platform directly as an alternative to some of the solutions that are offered by frameworks.
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According to the documentation, Easy Peasy is an abstraction of Redux, providing a reimagined API that focuses on developer experience. It allows you to quickly and easily manage your state, whilst leveraging the strong architectural guarantees. We’ll use Easy Peasy as a state manager of choice to build a note application which would help us learn how it works.
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In this article, Noam Rosenthal dives deep into a few technical features that are common across frameworks, and explains how some of the different frameworks implement them and what they cost, focusing on data-binding, reactivity, conditionals and lists. You will also take a look at the cost of using those frameworks.
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You probably know how annoying it could be to handle different states, if you have ever built React applications that use asynchronous data. In this article, Georgii Perepecho explains the most common React Query features that you need to be familiar with when creating a real-life application that is stable when testing.
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If you’re a developer who’s thinking about building a platform that requires a code editor in one form or another, then this article is for you. This article explains how to create a web code editor that displays the result in real time with the help of some HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
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In every software-as-a-service solution, user billing and payments are key aspects in the sale of services rendered. Let’s learn about Stripe and how the REST API can be programmatically used in serverless functions to manage the billing for an application.
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One of Jhey’s main mantras is to make learning fun. In this article, he shows you ways to level up your skills by bringing your ideas to life, and not forgetting that you can be playful with code. With that mindset, every idea is bound to become an opportunity to try something new. It’s fun to make things that we may not create on a day-to-day basis. Demos like this can pose different challenges and can level up your problem-solving game!
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React class-based components are messy, confusing, hard for humans and machines. But before React 16.8, class-based components were mandatory for any projects that require states, life-cycle methods, and many other important functionalities. All these changed with the introduction of hooks in React 16.8. Hooks are game-changers. They have simplified React, made it neater, easier to write and debug, and also reduced the learning curve.
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Within the last decade, technologies like GraphQL have changed how we build web apps and how they communicate with each other. GraphQL provides certain benefits over REST APIs — let’s find out what they are. In this article, David Atanda will cover advanced topics to achieve real-time update of data using the update() function, subscription, and Optimistic UI. All in a bit to improve user experience.
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