CSS color-mix is an experimental function that blends two colors and can be used to simplify color palettes. You can define a color palette and theme without too much effort using CSS color-mix().
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This is the first part of this article, written especially for typeface designers and typographers. See how typefaces work, how to test them, and other broader typographic issues.
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How many browser DevTools panels do you commonly use in your day-to-day web development? One? Three? Probably not that many more. In this article, Patrick Brosset shines the spotlight on a number of tools that people don’t use or even know about. Let’s dive in!
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In this article, Benjamin Ajibade introduces Kubernetes to front-end engineers and explaines why Kubernetes is integral in a production-ready microservice architecture. Some key terms that are important for team collaboration will be discussed and conclude the post with a quick deployment to getting started as a beginner.
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Let’s take a closer look at how you can create your very own WordPress site up and running created and hosted with the Elementor Cloud Website.
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In this article, Jhey Tompkins explores one of GreenSocks’ newest plugins alongside React to create an impractical whimsical spin on a well-known native element: <input type="range"/>.
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In this article, we’ll talk about how to adapt our sites to the different scenarios of a device pointer: whether it has a pointer or not, or how accurate it is. To adapt our site to those devices’ needs we’ll talk about how to properly use media queries hover, pointer, any-hover and any-pointer.
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In this article, Louis Lazaris describes and demonstrates some interesting HTML attributes that you may or may not have heard of and perhaps find useful enough to personally use in one of your projects. This post is the result of his research, and he hopes you’ll find some of these useful to you, as you build HTML pages in the coming months.
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CSS Custom Properties can be used for far more than just color, and their values update in realtime, both via display mode updates and JavaScript logic. This is powerful stuff. Eric explains how modern CSS is a powerful piece of assistive technology that can thread into it to create flexible, maintainable and adaptive digital experiences.
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This fresh new design trend has been picking up steam with the rising popularity of colorful inflated 3D graphics in web illustrations and with the latest Virtual Reality projects like “Horizon Worlds”. Let’s see if there is room for Claymorphism on the UI, and how we can create this effect with CSS.
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