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The Smashing Library (68 eBooks)

The Smashing Library (68 eBooks)

ePUB, Kindle, PDF

$ 99.00 $ 600.00

About The ebook Bundle

Since over 12 years, Smashing Magazine is where thousands of designers and developers go to learn about design trends and advanced coding techniques.

That is why we have developed the Smashing Library, a comprehensive access to 68 valuable eBooks. The Library includes our latest releases Success at Scale, Understanding Privacy, Touch Design for Mobile Interfaces, Image Optimization, and TypeScript in 50 Lessons, too!

This eBook bundle contains all of the following eBooks, each of which are downloadable in all formats: ePub, Kindle, and PDF:

Latest Additions To The Smashing Library

Success at Scale

by Addy Osmani

Succes at ScaleSuccess at Scale is a curated collection of best-practice case studies capturing how production sites of different sizes tackle performance, accessibility, capabilities, and developer experience at scale. Case studies are from industry experts from teams at Instagram, Shopify, Netflix, eBay, Figma, Spotify, Wix, Lyft, LinkedIn, and many more. Guidance that stands the test of time.

Understanding Privacy

by Heather Burns

Understanding PrivacyPrivacy is a scary topic? It doesn’t have to be. Understanding Privacy helps you understand what data privacy is really about beyond scary headlines. It is an introduction to the beliefs, concepts, and ideas that inform privacy as it exists — or has failed to exist — on the open web that we build.

Touch Design for Mobile Interfaces

by Steven Hoober

Touch Design for Mobile InterfacesIn Touch Design for Mobile Interfaces, Steven Hoober shares his in-depth research about designing for touch as well as tips, tricks, trends, tendencies, guidelines, and heuristics you can apply to your work immediately to create human-centered mobile interfaces.

Image Optimization

by Addy Osmani

Image OptimizationLoading images efficiently at scale isn’t a little project for a quiet afternoon. It requires understanding of compression techniques, loading behavior, image decoding and image CDNs, adaptive media loading and caching. Image Optimization will equip you with everything you need to know to optimize how you compress, serve and maintain images — boosting performance along the way.

TypeScript in 50 Lessons

by Stefan Baumgartner

TypeScript in 50 LessonsIn TypeScript in 50 Lessons, Stefan Baumgartner breaks down the quirks of TypeScript into short, manageable lessons. You’ll make sense of TypeScript concepts, tooling for TypeScript and how to get most out of it without learning a new language. Everything TypeScript explained, from start to finish. With code walkthroughs, hands-on examples, and common gotchas, that’s a book you might want to keep close.

A Few Valuable Library Features:

  • The eBook Library contains 68 web design eBooks worth $600,
  • You can save 80% off their regular prices,
  • You get immediate access to all eBooks,
  • Our eBooks work on all eBook readers and each is available in PDF, ePUB and Kindle,

All eBooks are DRM-free so that they’ll never expire.

The Smashing Library (68 eBooks)

ePUB, Kindle, PDF

$ 99.00 $ 600.00

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