Usually, Numeric keypad Design is an inversion of the Calculator Layout, but why? Nowadays the users experience most of digital products using gestures, not only buttons. In this article, C Y Gopinath explores the roots of this disparity and proposes a better solution. He will discuss how to simplify and adapt a traditional numeric interface to a minimalist design norm by taking advantage of modern touch–driven modes of human–mobile interaction. He’ll also tackle the design logic behind developing a new interface for the basic calculator.
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What’s going on in the industry? What new techniques have emerged recently? What insights, tools, tips and tricks is the web design community talking about? Anselm Hannemann is collecting everything that popped up over the last week in his web development reading list so that you don’t miss out on anything. The result is a carefully curated list of articles and resources that are worth taking a closer look at.
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Ember is a JavaScript web framework focused on building ambitious, rich client web applications. Technologically, Ember has positioned itself as the antidote to hype fatigue. It’s a framework that just won’t die, but keeps pressing on with each innovation and with a commitment to backwards–compatibility. If you’ve been waiting to give Ember a try, why not start today with Ember CLI? It provides a productive and feature–rich development experience. All you need to get started and create an Ember App using Ember CLI is right here below.
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Whenever you want to change existing or create new functionality in WordPress theme and development, you will have to turn to hooks. Learning hooks is like studying law: you don’t need to know all of the statements and paragraphs, but simply where to find them. In this article, Thomas Maier will show you how to avoid common problems, how to allow others to extend your code, and all you need to setup Hook Routines and get ready to have a better experience developing for Wordpress.
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As digital technologies are implanted deeper in the world, making more and more aspects of life intangible, it’s hard to imagine the world without any kind of banknotes, or paper money. In the dramatic history of our world, money became not just generic objects of payment, but also symbols of societies. And as with any complex task, currency design holds some valuable lessons for us, web designers. In this article, Julia May will try to formulate some of these lessons and, therefore, draw your attention to the inspirational nature of paper money.
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The new year is an occasion to start things fresh, to rethink current practices and habits. So why not start small? Clean up your desktop and give it an inspiring new background. We might have something for you: desktop wallpapers created by artists and designers from across the globe as a part of our monthly desktop wallpapers challenge.
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In this article, Patrick Brosset takes a walk through some of the main tools and differential features of Firefox Developer Edition. He explores how this browser can be used to keep updated about the latest tools for CSS features and animations, testing website displays and some tips and tricks for developers and designers. Firefox’s DevTools have evolved quite rapidly in recent years, and feature-packed versions are now getting released every six weeks. The project is being driven by an active community, which you can be a part of! Feel free to download Firefox Developer Edition to try out the latest version of the tools.
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Ideas begin with a small team of creative people at the heart of the company who communicate easily with each other. In this article, Dave Schools will talk about the six design principles inspired by the world’s greatest product designers and how they apply to 15 products using the steps of the product design test, such as immediate intuition, form and color agreement, approachable innovation, and replicable methodology. As you get accustomed to applying these design principles, you’ll be surprised by how your mind picks up on small things to appreciate, or to change, in the products you encounter every day.
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In 2010, back in the time when we started searching for creative designers and artists to be featured on Smashing Magazine, we launched the monthly wallpaper series. Since then, we’ve had remarkable desktop wallpapers designed by various artists from all around the globe. It would be our pleasure, dear readers, for you to share your artworks with all of us and we heartily welcome you to join in the monthly wallpaper submissions here on Smashing Magazine! Feel free to design bold, intriguing, crazy, personal, but creative, unusual and absolutely stunning wallpapers.
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In this article, Ilya Zayats will show you that, from React’s perspective, there is no difference at all in what to render. React helps to organize an application into small, human-digestible chunks. You can avoid any complex internal interactions between small components, while your application continues to be blazingly fast due to the DOM-diffing that React does under the hood. Trying to grasp what’s wrong with a graph or visualization just by looking at SVG generator templates is often overwhelming, and attempts to maintain internal structure or separation of concerns are often complex and tedious. So, can we apply the same techniques to web graphics — SVG in particular? Yes!
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