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Trine Falbe, Kim Andersen and Martin Michael Frederiksen

White Hat UX (eBook)

  White Hat UX (eBook)


$ 19.00

Most things in life come with a dark side. For years, the online space has acted as a playground for thieves, bandits and murky types who will use every trick in the book to make you do the opposite of what you set out to do. But there is hope. The next generation in user experience is coming.

  • Published on August 2017
  • By: Trine Falbe, Kim Andersen and Martin Michael Frederiksen

About The Book

White Hat UX was written by Trine Falbe, Kim Andersen, and Martin Michael Frederiksen.

Most things in life come with a dark side. For years, the online space has acted as a playground for thieves, bandits and murky types who will use every trick in the book to make you do the opposite of what you set out to do. But there is hope. The next generation in user experience is coming.

Small websites are not the only ones tempted by the dark forces. Many of the world’s largest brands make use of dark patterns — some do so because of ignorance, while others lack the courage to admit their wrong doings. White Hat UX focuses on creating unique user experiences without a dark side. Leave the dark side and read the book. It is filled with inspiration to free yourself from the dark forces and join the next generation in user experience – White Hat UX.

Whom This Book Is For

White Hat UX - The Next Generation in User Experience is the right book for you when you find yourself in one of the following situations:

  • You’re not trained in UX, yet you now have the responsibility for it
  • You struggle to follow along in the conversations about user experience in your team
  • You are a manager and want to understand how your company can become leaders in the modern digital market (hint: serving a great user experience is a competitive advantage)
  • You want to learn about ethical design but you’re not sure where to start

White Hat UX starts by defining UX — done in a straightforward way that allows people with limited UX knowledge to gain a clear understanding of the field.

It shows and tells what many companies do wrong (either by intent or stupidity).

It describes how privacy is being violated, and what consequences it has for the businesses that will keep doing so because they think it’s good business (and because they don’t care about people).

And finally, it explains how you improve the user experience of your product, service and company to gain the most powerful competitive advantage in today’s consumer driven market: a White Hat, honest user experience. Also, you’ll sleep better at night knowing you are doing the right thing.

Table of Contents

  1. DiscoverWhite Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat UX • A Brief Introduction to UX • Privacy Zuckering • Black Hat UX: 12 Design Patterns • UX Gone Wrong
  2. EvaluateThe Competition is Only a Click Away • Test Methods in UX • Test Reports and Release Notes • Windows 10 Privacy • Quality Assurance and Quality Control • Baseline
  3. BuildThe Principle of Least Astonishment • UX and Scrum • Shitstorms and Candystorms • Grey Hat UX: 7 Anti-Patterns
  4. Join the Light Side of the ForceWhite Hat UX Design Patterns • From Dark Patterns to White Hat UX • Becoming Proficient • Things Take Time • Strategic White Hat UX
  5. The Dark Set

Technical Details

  • Formats: ePUB, PDF (DRM-free)
  • Pages: 136
  • Language: English
  • Released: August 2017
  • Publisher: Trine Falbe, Kim Andersen, and Martin Michael Frederiksen
  • ISBN (PDF): 978-87-994915-9-9

  White Hat UX (eBook)


$ 19.00

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