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Author Bruce Lawson

10 articles

Bruce has been working on accessibility, web standards, and browsers since 2001. That’s why he looks that bad. You can follow him at @brucel, or read his ramblings at

Why You Should Choose HTML5 article Over section

Meet “Art Direction For The Web,” A New Smashing Book By Andy Clarke

. This is a book about why art direction matters and how you can art-direct compelling and effective experiences across devices and platforms. Read more…

How A Screen Reader User Accesses The Web: A Smashing Video

Happy First Anniversary, Smashing Members!

SmashingConf New York 2018: That’s What It Was Like

World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web (Part 2)

World Wide Web, Not Wealthy Western Web (Part 1)

Why We Shouldn’t Make Separate Mobile Websites

Sexy New HTML5 Semantics

HTML5: The Facts And The Myths