Léonie Watson is a Senior Accessibility Engineer with The Paciello Group (TPG) and owner of LJ Watson Consulting. Amongst other things she is a director of the British Computer Association of the Blind, a member of the W3C HTML and SVG working groups, and HTML Accessibility Task Force. In her spare time Léonie blogs on tink.uk, talks on the AccessTalk podcast, and loves cooking, dancing and drinking tequila (although not necessarily in that order).
Chaals McCathie Nevile is part of the CTO group at Russian internet giant Yandex and a member of various W3C groups including co-cordinator of the HTML accessibility Task Force. His first paid accessibility job would now be illegal use of child labour, and he has also worked as a barman, cleaner, and indulging the fantasies of people who wanted to learn how to program their video recorder. He immensely enjoys his job working out how to improve the way the Web helps people. He also enjoys cooking, travel, and reading books.