Sarah Drasner is an award-winning Speaker, Head of Developer Experience at Netlify, Vue core team member, and Staff Writer at CSS-Tricks. Sarah is formerly Principal Lead of Emerging Markets, Cloud Advocates at Microsoft and Manager of UX & Engineering at Trulia/Zillow Group. She’s the author of SVG Animations from O’Reilly and has given Frontend Masters workshops.
WordPress adoption is massive. So why would a WordPress site consider moving to JAMstack? In this technical case study, Sarah Drasner will cover what an actual WordPress migration looks like, using Smashing Magazine itself! She’ll talk through the gains and losses, the things she wishes she knew earlier, and what she was surprised by. Let’s dig in!
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Did you know that you can incorporate Vue into your project the same way that you would incorporate jQuery — with no build step necessary? Let’s cover some common use cases in jQuery and how we can switch them over to Vue, and why we’d even want to do so. In this article Sarah Drasner shows you that Vue is also a pretty nice abstraction for small sites that don’t need a lot of overhead. Due to Vue’s flexibility, it’s also easy to transition this code to a build step and component structures if you’d like to adopt a more complex structure over time. It’s actually pretty fun to try it out!
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Animation on the web has the potential to revolutionize our small bright box. We can go even further than traditional animation because we can accept user feedback and input. With these tools we can throw away the soul-destroying, bleak, dark engagements that govern things like airline ticket purchases. We can bake animation into the core of our user experience process to create dazzling, exciting, and engaging work that pushes boundaries and collectively elevates the medium of the web. We can help people by unfolding scenes like a choose-your-own-adventure that can feel fluid, interesting, and intuitive!
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Using SVGs can reduce the number of HTTP requests for image replacement. it’s also easy to make an SVG scalable to its container for responsive development. In this article Sarah Drasner will cover a few ways of using SVG sprites to describe motion on the web. She’ll show some techniques for using SVG sprites in complex animation that takes advantage of these factors. All examples shown will assume the use of an auto-prefixer and some basic knowledge of CSS animations.
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